Last week when Steve Stoute got on the radio and was talking about how 50 Cent had fallen off musically and was not as influential as he used to be, I knew it wouldn't be long till 50 confronted him about his statements. Of cos, truth is bitter, and 50 Cent, being an egomaniac that he is, confronted Steve Stoute about his comments over the weekend. Check out the pictures from the confrontation below.
Watch what you say! 50 Cent confronted Steve Stoute during a Knicks game at New York's Madison Square Garden on Friday (Feb. 28). Photos surfaced of the two men in what appears to be in a heated conversation. Judging by the pics (posted at HipHop-N-More), it looks like the G-Unit leader was making sure he got his point across while Stoute was trying to diffuse the situation and explained himself. (The Boom Box)
It's funny how two black millionaires handle their differences...resulting to physical confrontations in public? What a shame. There is nothing wrong with what Stoute said, as it is the truth. 50 Cent was known to laugh at people who had lukewarm career's back in the day. Now that he is not as popular as he used to be, he is angry that someone else is doing the same thing to him. By the way, check out what Steve Stoute said that caused the confrontation.
"Are you going to have 50 Cent up here soon? You got to. He got out of his record deal. He's not [in my top five influential rapper list]. He hasn't had a hit in a really long time. He has not made anything musically that's changed anything in a very long time. I feel like he's always gearing up for something that never happens. Hopefully, now that he's independent, and there's no record company to blame, his aggressive content, [laughs], can get onto the air. I don't know. I think he's trying to get back." ("The Angie Martinez Show")
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