Wale Says Jay Z Is The Greatest To Ever Do It

The debate for the greatest rapper of all time is an endless one. Sometimes it makes me really consider abandoning hip hop music as a whole, and just stick to listening to African music, and some good ol rock music where people don't spend all day arguing who the best is, or who has sold the most records. Art is not supposed to be appreciated that way. I just think I am too old for these debates. Anyway, Roc Nation managed artist, Wale just called Jay Z the greatest rapper to ever do it.

Below is what Wale had to say in a recent interview with XXL, when he was asked about what he had learnt from Jay Z's success...

"Jay Z? Greatest to ever do it. Hands down. No debate. If you debate, you’re really just mad. You got some kinda inner joint, but he knows it though. I think that’s the greatest thing about knowing him is like, being around somebody who knows. It’s just like when Steve Young learned from Joe Montana." 

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