Keri Hilson Has Some Relationship Advise For The Ladies

Keri Hilson may not be a hot item in the music industry right now, but don't get it twisted, the girl is having a time of her life with her NBA Star boyfriend, Serge Ibaka. She is in love heaven. Last week, she put up pictures online of herself making a local African meal called "fufu." If you know how hard it is to make "fufu", you will understand how much in love she is right now.

She put some relationship advise out there that I think would profit a lot of ladies. It basically says, you are treated the way you present yourself.

“Interesting comments on my last IG (Instagram) post…quite a stir. But I don’t see the confusion. Ladies don’t get it twisted. It DOES start with YOU!! Unfortunately, every man doesn’t possess some standard high amount of respect for every woman they encounter…just as every woman doesn’t exude the same amount of confidence, class, or self respect. This is not a perfect world, where men treat “hoes” with the same respect they give “ladies” just because their mother taught them well.

Bottom line is, a man will treat you according to the “messages” YOU put out there. That’s the way of the world…reality. If you exude sex, you will attract men who want that from you. If you exude self respect, you will attract the type of men who respect women. In this world, you attract what you exude. Ladies, WE set the tone!! NEVER forget that!! We have the power to change our experiences w/ men.”

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