1939 Jay-Z Look-Alike Pic

People are aasking the question- Is Jay-Z immortal? Maybe Jay-Z is a vampire that has been around for decades, and hasn't aged since then. lol! There is a 1939 Jay-Z look-alike pic driving the internet world crazy right now; you can see the pic below, and you can't ignore the fact that the man in the pic looks exactly like Jay-Z. The facial expressiong, and the facial structure is Jay-Z to a 'T.'

I also put a recent pic of Jay-Z below so that you can compare the two pics. I'm sure people will start all the Illuminati rumors all over again. They would make up stories that Jay-Z signed a contract with the devil to remain Forever Young...blah!blah!blah!


  1. Hahahahahaha @ "They would make up stories that Jay-Z signed a contract with the devil to remain Forever Young...blah!blah!blah!"

    Very hilarious statement. Only d smart ones can/will decipher it.

  2. @Florence "only the smart ones?" Any six year old with a tv "can/will decipher it"...
