Lupe Fiasco Removed From Live Perfomance for Dissing The U.S President, Barack Obama

Apperently, there was a pre-celebration of the U.S Presidential Inauguration that went down yesterday. That pre-celebration was held on Sunday, and the organizers made the biggest mistakes of booking Lupe Fiasco to perform. Lupe has always been one to speak his mind, and never one to shy away from controversy. And for years, he has shown his dislike for Obama, that's why I was surprised that he was booked for the Sunday concert that went down at Hamilton Live in Washington D.C. After Lupe repeated a very controversial part (aimed at Obama) of his Words I Never Said song for over 30 minutes, he was escorted off stage by security guards.

He made sure he got his word across. Below are the lyrics from the song he performed repeatedly...

Limbaugh is a racist, Glenn Beck is a racist
Gaza Strip was gettin bombed, Obama didn't say shit
That's why I ain't vote for him, next one either

Limbaugh is a racist, Glenn Beck is a racist
Gaza Strip was gettin bombed, Obama didn't say shit
That's why I ain't vote for him, next one either

Limbaugh is a racist, Glenn Beck is a racist
Gaza Strip was gettin bombed, Obama didn't say shit
That's why I ain't vote for him, next one either

That's just to give you an idea of how repetitive Lupe was with this part of the get his message across. It is a great song though. Check out some other part of the songs below-

"I really think the war on terror is a bunch of bullshit
Just a poor excuse for you to use up all your bullets
How much money does it take to really make a full clip?
9/11, Building 7, did they really pull it? (pull)
Uh, and a bunch of other cover ups
Your child's future was the first to go with budget cuts"

The main issue is that America as a whole has always been enemies of the Arabs, and Obama is just carrying on tradition. But the thing is that Lupe Fiasco is a Muslim...and he is also currently dating an Arab girl. So, it is understandable why he doesn't like Obama.

You can check out the footage from the event here- Lupe Fiasco Gets Escorted Off Stage

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