Wendy Williams Says Beyonce Sounds Like She Has A Fifth Grade Education

Wendy Williams owns her own talk-show on TV, 'The Wendy Williams show'. Yesterday, on the show, she spoke to her audience concerning the upcoming Beyonce Documentary and how she was a Beyonce fan (i guess she was being sarcastic with that), and then added that Beyonce sounds like she has a fifth grade education.

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I am a Beyonce fan. I’m gonna be watching this documentary cause fortunately one of the TVs in our kitchen has closed captioning so I’ll be able to understand what she says. You know Beyonce can’t talk. Beyonce sounds like she has a fifth grade education. She can’t talk. Honestly. We really do have the closed captioning for times like that.

It was the same Wendy Williams that was going on and on last year about how she thought Beyonce wasn't really wasn't pregnant, and was just faking it. So, maybe she really doesn't like B. I watch BET a lot, so, I watch her show whenever it comes on, and she bashes a lot of celebrities on there. This isn't really surprising. But, I do have to say that whenever I watch Beyonce interviews, I always wonder if she is the same super star I see in all those wonderful videos. She isn't always articulate, and she acts like she has a low self esteem. Please, I'm not a hater; I am just reporting my observations.

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