Mac Miller's Blue Slide Park topped the Billboard chart at number 1back in November, selling 144,000 copies in its first week, independently, people started wondering how he did it. Most people that sell that much do it with a major label machine behind them. And these unknown white rapper did it all by himself, with the support of an independent label
(Rostrum), and his
twitter and
facebook fans. I think that's incredible. Instead of settling for a dollar on each of his CDs sold if he was on a major, he would be making like 6 dollars on each CD on an indie. I think that is really cool for someone just starting out.
Even established acts don't normally want to take the risk of lower promotions with an indie label...the Majors put bigger budgets behind their artists albums. Now, he is beeing questioned if he would consider going the Major way-
“So my whole thing is, I’m more into keeping
independent because I’m more into working with people who I know very
well,” he said. “But if I reach a point where there’s things I can’t
do, which we haven’t reached that point yet, but if I ever reach a
point where there’s something I can’t do and I need some help with a
major, who knows. I’m not anti-major, like I hate the majors. I’m not
that type of person.”
I wish him all the best in his career. I still haven't heard his album, so i can't say what stuff he is made off. But, for pulling off that stunt by himself, i think he might be hear for a while. It shows he really believes in his skill...i keep telling people- TALENT IS NEVER ENOUGH.
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