Canibus Dissing J.Cole...What Do You Think Of It

Canibus dropped a diss track titled "J. Clone" aimed at J.Cole a couple of days ago, and then apologized to the hip hop world 48hours after. Actually, even in the apology, he was still going at Cole. I am from the old school, and Canibus used to be one of my favorite rappers. I heard that "How Come" track back in 1998, and i thought it couldn't get better than this...he was a rap machine. I loved his albums...albums, but at a time, he just faded to the background. J.Cole on the other hand is a new artist, and i think he is the savior of hip hop right now, so i have to say i am not really cool with the Canibus diss.

But Canibus is a man, and he definitely has reasons for wanting to air j.cole out on wax. You can read what he said about the issue-

"Currently, new artists such as J Cole have continuously mentioned me as their favorite artist, shouted me out in articles, magazine/online interviews, and even gone as far as starting off show sets by playing some of my earlier material to warm up the audience and give off the impression that he is real hip hop and loves real lyricism. Cole might say he does this to pay homage, but in reality, by him playing my older material owned by my former label dating back to 1998, subsequently overlooking my current works and contributions which directly benefit me now, he is treating me less like an artist that has, and continues to contribute, influence, and inspire an even younger generation of MC's coming up, and more like an artist that has physically passed on already(i.e. Tupac, B.I.G., Big L, Heavy D, Eyeda): you get the point I'm trying to make. I can't help but to think that he is not nearly as sincere or genuine as he would like real hip hop heads to think he is because he speaks about me like I am dead. What he is doing is underhanded and disingenuous and whether it is his idea or not, I don't agree with his tactic and I have something to say about it. [sic]" (Facebook)

"Some might look to label me as an older head picking on a younger head who claims to have been influenced by me, but I refuse to let anyone including him stand on what we built, and pompously extract only the parts that suit them and their undermining intentions under the guise of "paying homage". I'm sick of it. That's fake, fraudulent, and misrepresents mine and others contributions, and significance to hip-hop music. After watching many many interviews of Clone, I mean Cole "pay homage", I decided to pay some homage to him myself because I am still alive and well and ready to throw down for Hip Hop. [sic]" (Facebook)

Below are some lines from the diss track (j. clone)
"If it ain't a threat, then it must be a promise," Can raps, "You said my name so much they think you're being honest/It's more than that, we could've recorded the track/You could give me a stack for a verse just like that/I don't know what's worse, AIDS or cancer/Them stupid a** questions or them stupid a** answers..." ("J. Clone")

What i feel about the matter is that j.cole, just like me couldn't keep up with the newer canibus tracks because Canibus himself wasn't doing much to push them. As i said, you can hardly find a new canibus CD in stores, but he is still dropping them one way or the other. I think Canibus can rap his butt off, but i think he can't make songs...and that's what has been his problem for a while now. Canibus always blamed Wyclef for messing up his first album, but Clef helped him make songs, and not just rap. And that's why that albums is one of his best in my opinion. That's the album that turned j. cole, eminem and many other rappers Canibus fans. I think he needs to work on himself.

Below is his apology-

"I've seen thousands and thousands of comments of ['J. Cole'], and all the negativity it's stirring up. After 48 hours of it, I feel confident enough to say that it's unanimous. Hip-hop has spoken up loud and clear, it's a 'Cole World' right now, and you're reignin' champ, J. I take full responsibility for my actions and I apologize for steppin' over the line. It comes off as tacky, unsophisticated, and it's just not G. I love hip-hop too much to further justify my selfish behavior. I made this video in an effort to turn it around and man up for my mistakes." (YouTube)

I am sure you caught the little diss canibus slipped into his apology. J. Cole definitely not want to respond to the diss. I see this as a misunderstanding that can be handle with the two men sitting down and trashing things out. J.Cole hasn't responded yet though.

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