Lil Kim Talks About Record Label Status

I can remember Lil Kim being on Atlantic records for as long as i have known her, but she recently comfirmed that she has been off the label since she got back from prison in 2005; basically meaning she has been independent all this while. So, the video of Black Friday and the other things she has been doing to promote her brand is all her, no company putting in any form of money. Hmm! I think she is really hustling- i think i respect any female that has that kind of hustling energy.

Anyway, below is what she had to say;
"What people don't even understand is that I've been independent for a long time now. I've been independent for about 5 years now. As soon as I came out of prison the Atlantic situation was basically done. I was on my own for a long time. Atlantic haven't helped me with anything in about 7 or 8 years so they have absolutely nothing to do with my music career at all. Period. Everything you see me do I use my own money to do it; I've been my own boss. The other girll, she may answer to her own boss but 'I am' my own boss. She probably gets checks cut to her but I cut my own checks." (That Grape Juice)

She also talked about whether or not she would opt for joining any Major label-
"I definitely wouldn't go in to the same type of situation I just came out of. No no no! I fought long and hard to just to get out the last situation with my record company so I would never go into the same situation. It would definitely still be independent but I'm defiantly open to doing partnership with other record companies." (That Grape Juice)

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