What do You Think Should be The Theme of Nas's 1th Album?

His 8th album was Hip Hip is Dead- about the death of hiphop as he knew it; his 9th and last album was about the black man and was originally meant to be titled NIGGER, but the powers that be stopped that from happening. Nas's collabo album with Damian Marley(Distant Relatives) also had a theme- the origin of all black people all over the world; so now that he is working on his 10th album, we wonder what he is going to make it a concept album or just another rap album.

You can't tell with nas because he is full of surprises but he never disappointments. I just can't wait to know what the BEST RAPPER ALIVE is working on. I think it would be classic and i think it is going to do pretty well commercially.

He might theme it GOING BACK TO THE ROOTS or something like that; what ever he decides, i know it would be a great album.

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