50 CENT has been running his mouth everyday for the last 4 weeks or so, saying one thing or the other about every rap artist trying to put in some work. Some of the things he says are true and useful, some, he says just out of envy. We all know he is about to drop a new album, his 4th album, and he is just trying to stay in the news.

He has been going back and forth with rick ross, since their summer beef started, but now, he is predicting that TRIPPLE C'S, the rap group that RICK ROSS put together, in which rick himself is a member, is going to flop when their album drops.
Below is what he had to say about it:

"[The public] is looking for the actual death blow to impact immediately," Fif said in an interview. "The death blow, when I hit you with it, you gotta wait six months later. It's dead. He's dead. When I threw the death blow to Fat Joe, it was [2008's] Elephant In The Sand and then six months later, new CD comes out and he sells 8,300 copies. Threw the death blow to Rick, boom, six months later, Triple C's CD come Tuesday, you gonna find what those numbers are and you're gonna fall out. You're gonna identify with the death blow. They can break ten [thousand copies] if they buy some. They can buy some. I don't know [all their names]. We know the police officer. We know the one that got knocked out. We know the kid from the Bronx. He's the tough one, right? The other guy, he wasn't sure if he wanted dreads or he wanted a flat top...People are developing this thing with me where they feel like I'm the bad guy, like I have bad intentions. It's not actually true, actually, I'd like to speak with the kids and tell them, 'Please, do not be this. Do not be like this.' [laughs] You understand?" (My Place)

I do not always believe when 50 says he is killing people's careers. Why wasn't he able to kill GAME'S career. I think it is just simple; he just jumps on people he already knows, through statistics, and how they are doing on radio, that is certain are not going to do so well, and he claims he brought them down. He is just as irrelevant as the people he claims he is bringing down, musically, but he just has more money to throw around and make things happen.

He predicted that they would not do more than 10k, i think he is wrong. Even though i know they would not do any huge numbers, clearly because they are not so popular as a group, i still believe they would move something between 20-40k.

50 be running his mouth all the time, lets see if his album would go platinum this time. I know he would talk less when he finds himself dead at 800k total sales for this album.

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