I ask that question again, WHY SHOULD RAPPERS USE GHOST WRITERS? If rapping is an art of music that have to do with you expressing yourself, then why do you need somone else to help you write how you feel. This defeats the whole purpose of being a rapper. You might as well be an r&b artist who's career depends on her/his voice and the way he/she can use it.
It is just so absurd and alarming to hear about the rate at which rappers use ghosst writer, and own up to the fact that they do use ghost writers. KANYE WEST has CONSEQUECE and RHYMEFEST writing for him, a fact he did not deny. How sure are we that he even writes any of his songs. No wonder i heard a song done by consequence recently and i thought it was kanye rapping. First i thought consequence was trying to sound like kanye, then i thought deeper, and i came up with the conclusion that this is probably consequence's original style. And because he has been writing for kanye so long, we are used to hearing kanye sound like that. Who knows how many other ghost writers he might have.
I just don't think that is proper, becasue when i think of a rapper, i think of someone that can write rhymes right there on the spot on any topic if he is caught off-guard and asked to flow. Is the rapper then going to start looking for his ghost writer. Or am i the one getting it wrong? Is this the new form that rap is taking?
I heard LIL WAYNE also uses a couple of ghost writers. The thing is, these ghost writers just have to study the rapper's rhyme pattern, and the subject matter you would normally talk about, and then they use their gift to create differenet other verses for the artist. That means someone like wayne could have about 10 different ghost writers, so anytime he is called upon to do a feature on another person's song, the ghost writer just gets the theme of the song, and have the verse written for wayne. I think that is cheating.

I recently heard ludacris rhyme a song that he wrote for dr dre's upcoming album, detox, and it made me feel sick to the stomach. The respect i had for dr dre is slowly flying out of the window. That means all he does is make beats, and then different writers write the verses and the hooks of the songs. He just raps out what they have already prepared for him, that is really cheasy.
Then SNOOP DOGG admitted that he used ghost writers through-out his last album, ego-tripping. How can a legendary rapper like snoop beusing ghost writers. What example is he trying to set for the up and coming rappers?

I just feel using ghost writers defeats the purpose of calling them rappers. I would stop listenign to rap the day i hear that someone like nas has ghost writers. He is just to unique with his rhyme scheme to have a ghost writer.


  1. I know man, fuck ghostwriters. Rappers should make a clear point that they're using one at least. Like, Dre is an amazing producer. He is a producer. So, because he has an awesome, funky voice, he uses a ghostwriter, cause apparently he can't write, but AT LEAST he mentions it in songs and people know it! Even Eazy E: "Ice Cube writes the rhymes, that i spit" lol. And this Shit-pop, as i like to call it, is a disgrace to Hip-hop and Rap. They use ghostwriters to write shit like "i'm so cool. but my record" it's bullshit. I'm starting my own shit soon, and i've been practicing writing and producing myself.

  2. Hey thanks for the comment; i had almost forgetting that i wrote something like this. I feel really good reading it again; thank God i do not use ghost writers...lol.
