This is a formal letter of apology from me kayode odusanya, the author of this blog, in respect to how i have been dealing with the affairs of the blog. You would have noticed that for a while now i have not been posting as i used to. And i have lost a conciderable amount of readers. It's all due to the fact that i wast trying to fix into this new job i got. Getting office clothes(i'm a very, very casual person), fixing my car, getting use to lagos traffic, blah! blah! blah!
Anyhow, i am back in full swing and you would be hearing from me more often now.
To celebrate my return, i'm giving out cd's. Just request for any cd in the world, old or new. Whether its biggies first album(ready to die), or the fugees classic album(the score, or even rakims best album(paid in full. Just send me a mail at odus29@yahoo.com, wih your name, the album you want and your address. And i'll have it sent down to you.

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