Starting off at a tender age of 18, he feature on "large professor's" jam, live at the babercue, and he has been a phenomenum since. He later dropped his debuted with his first studio album, three years later, in 1994, and his flawless rp skills was exposed to the world. The album, "illmatic" went down to be a classic, and receive 5 mics rating from the source magazine. That is the highest rating you can get on an album review. He has since then blessed the world with raw lyrics, sticking to the fundamentals f what real hip hop should be. 15 years since dropped his first albm, and he is still a relevant emcee, a name to reckn with in the rap world. He has dropped 9 studio albums through his career so far.

He was recently inntervied by, and he had some words for the public:

"[The nod] showed that I'm here and my voice is relevant," Nas said. "It shows my work is appreciated...It tends to scare people and offend them, a record is supposed to do that every once in a while. We have it good here in America, we're spoiled. We don't realize that people are poor, don't have food, no water in this same world we live in. Those are the things I'm concerned with and need to talk about."

Here are a couple of comments from enthusiastic rap fans and what they feel about nas and hip hop.

By BlasfemiAuthor Profile Page on April 27, 2009 2:01 PM

It irks me the hell out when muthafuckers think Nas aint relevant in todays hip hop. What? Illmatic was a blueprint for your favourite rappers favourite rapper, word up. I went bananas when a pal said Weezy has more classic hits than Nas. See, with this dumbed down music churning out of CDs these days, muthafuckers wil tell u Weezy is the GOAT and all that shit. Jayz said it better 'what, nigga u drank fluid?'

By muvaphkn_megatron on April 27, 2009 2:26 PM

To say NaS isn't relevant would be like saying the beetles aren't relevant to Rock. He's a legend and one of the voices that allowed hip-hop to reach its highest peaks. Anyone who contributed to this game like he did is forever relevant that goes for dudes like Rakim, Wu-Tang, NWA, Ice Cube, KRS-1, etc. They built this and I'll always lend an ear to what they got to say.
By Black Dutchman on April 27, 2009 3:11 PM

Give credit were credit is do. Nas is that dude who nobody right now can fuck with him o the mic
By CJAuthor Profile Page on April 27, 2009 3:32 PM

Nas is my favorite rapper of all time. Therefore it really hurts to admit this, but he is not Relevant because he refuses to dumb down his lyrics and subject matter. I had like 5-6 kids talk about Nigger when it came out, and most of them were white. Nas makes real music, but his fan base is now an older more educated crowd. That's why he can go gold without any promotion, because people like will ALWAYS buy his album. But the kids, nah. The white kids def nah. And he's way too complex for the avg. fan that likes their rappers gay (lil wayne/Kanye) and fake (ross).

But I'm glad he's that way. like he said, fuck it "i'll go gold with it".
By nh1234 on April 27, 2009 3:33 PM

yoooo who said weezy had more classics then Nas?!?

dudes is retearded man lol

cosign the hell outta blasfemi

ne way legends will always be relevant thats wat makes them legends
By nh1234 on April 27, 2009 3:37 PM

by the way just wanted to point that im only 17 give the youngins some credit we dont all bump weezy lol
By DIRK DA GOD on April 27, 2009 4:04 PM

@ nh1234

By Clo-freshAuthor Profile Page on April 27, 2009 4:41 PM

@CJ...I beg to differ my man...We were those same kids when Nas first came out...I copped his album when I was a freshmen in High School..I was only 14 at the time and I felt and understood the whole album..I didn't know that I craved an album like that until I first heard it... The conusmer at an age so young really don't know what they like until they actually witness for themselves what it is...Many people my age copped Nas's album when it dropped...So I rather Nas not dumb down his lyrics for no damn body and keep giving the people who really want that deep lyrical Hip-Hop and the consumer who may not know what great lyricism is... Lyrical rappers today do not get as much attention as the bubble gum, ring-tone rappers simply cause of promotion..
Case in Point: Mims damn near got more promotion then Jada!
By gasface on April 27, 2009 4:42 PM

By CJAuthor Profile Page on April 27, 2009 7:14 PM


I don't understand your point?
By RUDE on April 27, 2009 7:28 PM

Damn it's good to see the younger generation knows the real REAL... NAS is the top MC in the game right now.. "NIGGA" was beyond description. There are no words that can convey how much that album was hip hop at it's finest and in this day and age it's incredible for my man not to have succumbed to the preassure of not only album sales but the whole who sold more mentality.. Dude is hold'n us all down at the moment. Didn't like the fact that he worked wit "officer ricky" though. Gotta keep it real!
By cat360 on April 27, 2009 8:54 PM

More inspirational based music. Thats why I love Nas music. Music is perfect outlet to talk about IMPORTANT issues. Rock does it all the time and remains relevant, why can't hip-hop in this day and time? - Black Community News, Hip-Hop, Videos, and more
By senoner on April 27, 2009 9:09 PM

Nas is the realest MC in the game. No one can get at him on the mic. His creativeness and lyrics are what makes him a legend. I mean look at Fried Chicken off of his latest album that is creative at its finest. He dont need to change his rhymes for no one, if you dont get it, it probably aint for you. His true fans will make his album go gold
By Clo-freshAuthor Profile Page on April 27, 2009 9:16 PM

@CJ...If you really didn't understand my point, then you really are dumb..I can't dumb down my comments more than than that.. I apologize, I thought you had at least a lil sense!... Even a highschooler can understand what the fuck I was saying..So which leads me to believe that you were just getting smart...For your sake, I hope you were..My apologies though, I'll never come at you again for you'll never understand anything..
By senoner on April 27, 2009 9:23 PM

@CJ...How is Nas not relevant because he doesnt dumb down his lyrics but still goes gold? Halve these other bubblegum rappers cant even deliver a gold album. Like Clo-fresh said, mims got more promotion than jada, but who came on top?
By yirmiyah on April 27, 2009 9:26 PM

Nas is a God he is the truth but He will never get the promotion or even the cake that the bumble gum ring tone rappers will make cause his music is not for kids who like to pop lock and drop it crowd. the booty shakin crowd will neva understand his music. many of our young black youth are to fixed on wayne and God knows what else. Nas is for the educated crowd. those who do not want to grow spiritually and mentally, emotionally have no use for a NAS. 40 yr old men who want to continue to act like they sixteen have no use for Nasir jones

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