Game Gives Shout-Out to North West

I don't know what Game has been up to the last couple of months. I know he shot the video for his Ali Bomaye single like 7 months ago, but never dropped it till this day. In a recent interview with Rap-Up TV, he shouted out Kanye and Kim's baby girl, North West-

"North West, one time for North West. Kanye, I'm gonna get you a cigar, man. I'm gonna stuff it with a little California if you know what I mean. Fatherhood is beautiful, enjoy it man. A baby girl is nothing but a blessing. I had two boys and when I had my baby girl, it rechanged my life for a third time. The best of luck with North West and that's a dope a** f*cking name. I did the best I could with Cali Dream (Game's daughter's name). I think it's right up there with North West. Ivy Blue. Is it Ivy Blue or Blue Ivy? Blue Ivy. ... Keep getting creative with these kids names. But congratulations to Kim K, Kim K West, Kanye and North West. That's dope man." 

Yea, nice names till the kids grow up and start complaining that they are being made fun of in school. I am not hating on anybody's choices, but these celebs should know that it shouldn't always be about show-biz. Family should be taken away from the lime-light as much as possible, especially lil kids. Their children would want to live their own lives at one point, and not just want to be Kanye's kid, or Jay and Beyonce's kid, or Game's daughter all their life

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