Big Sean Speaks On Using 'Law Of Attraction" To Achieve Goals

I'm a big fan of the Law Of Attraction, and the number of rappers that say they used this to achieve their goals is really inspiring... from Kanye West, to Rick Ross, to Drake, to Soulja Boy, and now Big Sean is speaking about how he used the Law Of Attraction to attain the current level of success he has. In a recent interview with radio presenters, at Philly's Hot 107.9, Big Sean said...

"I want to be somebody who inspires good times, good memories [and] inspires people to do better. It’s crazy because coming from a place like Detroit, we always saw on the TV people being superstars, lawyers or doctor, but it was never all the way real to us especially where I was from. So I just want to show people it’s strictly real. I’m somebody who believes in the law of attraction and creating everything you want and manifesting in all your goals so I just want to show people, how real that it is. I [visualized] the car I wanted and got the car I wanted. I thought of the house I wanted and got the house I wanted. I thought of everything I wanted for my parents and did it. Now I’ve got to set new goals. So I just want to show people that that’s real and just keep it going. That’s what I want my legacy to be, I want to look back and let people know that you shouldn’t look back saying you wish you coulda, shoulda or coulda."

I recently watched a youtube video from 1997, of Jim Carey at the Oprah Show, speaking about how he always visualized himself being a superstar actor when he was broke. He said he wrote a check of $10,000,000 to himself dated for 1995, in 1990. He said he had it in his wallet, and would look at it every now and then for those 5 years, till he eventually made $10 million off his role in the movie, Dumb & Dumber in 1994. Whatever you visualize, materializes.

1 comment:

  1. Regulations law of attraction
    of Appeal is usually an historic idea containing already been tutored and practised simply by faith based experts and educators throughout the ages
