First, I would like to educate you on the history of the Illuminati. The Illuminati, formed sometime in the early last millennium was made up of a bunch of scientist, writers, painters that were involved in enlightening the masses; educating the world on the powers of man's mind, and the truth about the world (both physical and spiritual). And sometime around the 15th and 16th century, the church started hunting them down and killing them one by one. Christianity was the dominant religion at the time, and anybody believing anything contrary to that, or educating the people on the powers of the mind, was termed a heretic and burnt at the stake. Heretic by the way is gotten from a Greek word which means “different”. I would like to state here that you have google as your tool to check the authenticity of any of my claims.
Galileo, a scientist, and an enlightened fellow, had to be transported to France to publish his theory on the Sphericity of the earth. At that time, the world was controlled by the Roman Empire (which also was the home of the church) and they believed the earth was flat. As I said earlier, the church at that time did not entertain any individual going contrary to its beliefs and teachings. I do not want to dwell too much on this issue; it is very controversial and a hard pill for a lot to swallow. I just wanted to get a message across, and I have achieved that.
The Illuminati, at least before the lot of them were wiped out, were a bunch of everyday scientist and artist that believed in enlightenment; they were not a bunch of devil worshipers. If you want to use the term “free thinkers”, that would go just right. But if you want to believe all the videos you have been watching on youtube, then you can say Tai Solanrin (A Nigerian Visionary) was a devil worshiper, you can say Zack Efron is a devil worshiper, you can say Julian Moore is a devil worshiper, or Fela, or Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Warren Buffet, Henry Ford, Mark Zuckerberg, Steven Spielberg, Bill Gates, Charlie Chaplin, Woody Allen, Bruce Lee, George Clooney, Bruce Willis...the list is endless. All the people I have mentioned are free thinkers; they do not belong to any religion, but it does not mean they worship the devil. Do you know one more thing? All the people I mentioned are the ones that have made the world a better place; whether through entertainment, fighting for the rights of the people, development, medical breakthrough, inventions…and the list goes on.
I want you to stop and think for a second; forget everything you have always known and have been told, and just think independently. What does the fact I have just brought to your knowing mean to you? What can you make of it? These are facts and not fallacy. You can check up on any name I have mentioned for what I claim about them. So, as I ask, what is really happening in this world? Nothing; they are not devil worshipers, they have just been able to think beyond religion and find God. And when you have a personal relationship with God within you, you would know no bounds. Personally, I am a Christian, but I do not hold any pastor as God; I relate with the father within on a consistent basis. They know one thing; God is in all of us, regardless of your religion.
Not to get lost in all the religion talk, I would like to come back to the basis of this article, which is trying to clarify issues of whether or not there are Illuminati activities present in Hip Hop. People believe all the successful artists in hip hop are devil worshipers- Jay-Z, Kanye West, Drake and Rick Ross are some that are regularly mentioned. I told a couple of people about Don Jazzy and D banj (Nigerian artists) getting signed to Kanye’s G.O.O.D Music label and all these people could make out of it was that they had joined the Illuminati. What an absurd suggestion; their hard work and believe in their abilities got them there, and nothing else. The Universal Laws worked for Kanye, Drake, Jay-Z, Lady Gaga and whoever might be mentioned as an Illuminati member. But, as Nas said on his Hate Me Now song- “people fear what they don't understand”.
Back in 2009, when this whole issue about Illuminati in music started popping up, my friend and I decided to write a book on it. We found out that people like controversy, and would believe anything. The majority of people are attracted to anything that has mystery written all over it; they like to believe there is this evil force somewhere. So, after we agreed on it, I went to work and started researching. Of course, at that point I was on the fence, not really believing in the stories, or that they were lies. My friend on the other hand believed they were stories based on people's ignorance. So, my open-mindedness led me to a series of researches that have spanned 2 years. I must say it has been a very interesting 2 years, and when I look back, I laugh at the things I would easily believe back then.
I have to say that the videos on youtube are pretty convincing, but as my friend always says- “You will always find what you are looking for, and you can make people believe whatever you want them to believe as long as their focus is on that thing.” During my study, I researched the illuminati; I researched principles of success; characteristics of the greatest men in world history; religion and the power of the mind. Because this article is on illuminati in hip hop, I would focus on just that. I would like to give you a little detail on the most targeted individual when it comes to all these illuminati talk- Jay-z. An old rapper from the late 80s called Jaz-O, who mentored Jay-Z in the early stages of his career (his late teens), had some not so nice things to say about jay-z in a recent interview. They had a falling out sometime in the early 00s, so it was not a surprise. But when this man, Jaz-O, was asked if he thought Jay-Z was a member of the Illuminati, he just laughed and said he didn't think so. He said he believed jay was just a puppet fro the real perpetrators.
Not to use too much time on jay, I would like, if you had time, go and watch the biography of jay-z on youtube. There you would see how he had one purpose, to be the greatest rapper, and he followed that one dream through all the hard times. From 1987, when he was just 18, to 1996, when the world finally got to know him; he stuck with just one goal. If you know about the power of definiteness of purpose, you wouldn't believe all these stories you hear around. This is just to erase the belief in a lot people's mind's which associate any big success with darkness.
To end, do I believe there is an illuminati movement in hip hop? No, I don't; but I do believe there are people in the upper echelon of the music industry (not just hip hop) who have a mission of keeping the majority of people dumb. And this people are not just in the music industry, they are everywhere. Well, you can call them whatever name you want…I don't know what name to give them, but their idea and believe is that as long as they can keep people from thinking for themselves, they would forever keep them ignorant of their own individual powers. The Supreme Being would communicate faster and easier with a “still” mind than one that never has time to think. No time to think because of all the games, ipods, dvd’s, BlackBerry’s and other toys he has that are taken his time. And also, the ton of work he has to do, that doesn't even allow him an hour each day to reflect on where he wants to be, and how to get there. And the last ingredient- “as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he”. You think about what you see, hear and talk about- and who controls that? Through the kind of music that gets played on radio, the kind of movies that get out there, and the million upon million violent games you get to play.
To end this, I would say, the majority of the people are looking in the wrong places. From my earlier definition of Illuminati, you would know, if they still exist, they can't be the ones responsible for all these allegations because they believe in the exact opposite of all these accusations. We have been fighting the wrong enemy, and the real enemy has been helping to propagate all these Illuminati nonsense so that you would never discover their real mission. They have succeeded in making you associate wealth with darkness in your mind. Open your eyes, and your mind, and stop following the follower.
This is well thought out, and well stated, but I'm not sure I agree with you.
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to prove anything this strange and ethereal, there'd be no way to, so believing there is or isn't a movement is really based on opinion.
As far as Illuminati goes, maybe they're not real or present in hip hop, but what about powerful people seeking powerful people? There's power in hip hop, and people gravitate to that, even possibly people who know the potential of music to dumb or change the masses... I included a link to a good timeline that has some interesting info/evidence/timelines...
Love to hear your thoughts, thanks for the info.
I didn't say there isn't a movement, i said illuminati is not the movement. And what i was really trying to achieve with this article is to remove the growing notion in people that any grand success has to be associated with darkness or devil worship or secret society. I will check out the link u put up, and come back here to drop more words.
ReplyDeleteWell I'm sorry you feel that way Kayode. You obviously haven't done enough research, because if you did, you would plainly recognize the evil force expressed in what they say in their music as well as the signs in videos. It also goes beyond hiphop. The occult includes actors, corporate companies and so on. Anyone with extreme wealth is involved, even companies who own Macys or Walmart and etc. There is a circle of families (do your research) who controls the owners of these companies. Even your beloved Obama is apart of this evil force, I will not go into details, you need to find out for yourself. Please don't be ignorant. If you're a Christian like you say you are. All of this going on in the world is stated right there in the bible and it also talks about believers + non believers, prophets + false prophets. All this is coming to pass NOW! WAKE UP!!! Sign Kush Nubian Beauty
ReplyDeleteI guess everybody has their own opinion. But, i would like you know that i once thought the way you are thinking, and it was after i carried out my two year long research that i knew what was really going on. I hope you are not one of those close-minded people who hold on to a way of thinking and never change even if the truth is staring them in the face.
ReplyDeleteSounds to me like your doing exactly what you stated, obviously you haven't researched enough, the Devils greatest weapon is peoples unbelief, to call yourself a Christian and believe these things are not real is a contradiction, as many of these things are taking place right before our very eyes. IMO no amount of research will ever uncover the truth because it has been manipulated over the years. Google will tell you what you want to hear as well so if Google has been your source your being deceived right along with everyone else. When your able to gain entry into the "secret libraries" and learn something real, write another blog and I'm sure your opinion will drastically change.
ReplyDeleteLook man I'm a rapper I'm not famous but if it is a society i don't have to join to make thousands of dollars so that makes.you think if i could make thousands without them says stomping me from making millions...its real but its nothing you have to be a part of...its Bang check out my mixtape Big Bang Theory
ReplyDeleteWell I'm a rapper but if i can make thousands without joining some society says stoppin me from makin millions...the thing about rap that make it wrong is the things that are being said and god says he dosent like that kind of talk and on top of it kane killed able, able was sent off by god where he built a town and he wasn't supposed to but in his town. he had kids and his kids made instruments so think about it if he was suppose to be a wonderer for the rest of his life then he build a town he disobeyed god so i know the lord know i love him but if i can get my family set where they did live good for the rest of there life inns make that money and call it quits cause i ent wanna rap forever I'm in it for the papper i ain't in it for the fame which i wrote a song i wrote
ReplyDeletehiphopilluminati.blogspot.com It is NOT a game.
ReplyDeletekayode...am sorry but ur views are a bit naive
ReplyDeletehow do you explain those gestures that the artists make in their videos and how come they all make the same gestures...definitely they must belong to the same group (illuminati)
and their lyrics?? pls do take time to listen to their lyrics carefully i am sure u will pick some phrases in their lyrics that will make u second guess them
Naive? That's the adjective i would use for you, but i am not that disrespectful. I'm sure you, like many of the others that come to this page, already have your mind made up there is an Illuminati organization somewhere. So, your minds are already closed, and would not open to logic.
ReplyDeleteIf you read through the post with an open mind, you would notice where i said i started out like you. But after carrying out an extensive research, I found out that it was all a myth...there is no Illuminati out there.
If you want to believe there is, keep searching. And as for the signes; that is just a marketing tool for people like you to keep talking about them. The more you talk about them, the more media and attention they get, and the richer they become.
Not to waste time on this, cos i knwo your mind is already made up, but i am sure you read where i said most of those people are atheist...atheist are not devil worshippers, or don't belong to any society. They are just non-religious people.
kayode....all i know is, it is against my religion to strive to achieve a God like status for urself.
DeleteI know atheists are not devil worshippers but i also know that most artists practice satanism, which as i mentioned above is the act of attempting to achieve a God like status (which many of our singers n rappers r doing these days)
do u recall how the serpent tempted adam and eve into eating the apple so they become enlightened?
its the same principle being applied in this modern day, especially in the music industry where artist sell their soul to the devil in return for money and fame....and you are saying all of this has been staged by a group of people to keep us dump??
How do atheist want to attain God like status? They just believe that they don't have to be religious, and make another man (pastor, pope, whatever) there God. Who said most atheist are satanist? Where do u here that from? Satanist are just deluded people. And if you condemn atheist so much, why are the most givers to charity? Why do they ddo so much good in the world if you claim they worship the devil? You can google up the highest givers to the poor/charity, and then check their religious status. Google is there for you to do all these. George Clooney, Oprah, Bill Gates, warren buffet are some of the highest givers, and they are all atheist. If you don't understand something, try and understand it...don't make ignorant conclusions that other ignorant people have made.
ReplyDeletei am not condeming atheists (definitely dont have anything against them)
ReplyDeletei neva said atheists are not generous and i definitely did not say they worship the devil (satanism is not the worship of the devil)...also didnt say anything about them practicing satanism...
I was refering to Artists and not Atheists
My argument is not about atheists, i know who they r and what they believe in ..
My issue is with the artists in the music industry who have a negative influence on our younger brothers and sisters
Those who promote sex in a negative way and have disturbing imagery in their video clips and also have coded messages in their songs ...
Do you know that the record execs have bigger influence than the artist when it comes to what kind of music is made? It boils down to what i said in the article- you are looking in the wrong direction. Artists have said time and time again that major label record execs influence some of their decisions to "dumb down" their music, and some times include sexual explicit languages, and images in their videos. All these is just to sell records.
ReplyDeleteyes i know that very well...i am aware the artists are just puppets in the industry...but they have the power to decide what to do with their lives but unfortunately most of them sell their souls and allow these execs to use them up until the point of no return,, all in the name of money n fame
ReplyDeleteIf u say they have sold their soul for money, and you mean it as a figurative term, then i can ride with you. But i don't buy into all the signing of a paper, or visiting the devil for powers and all that bullcrap people make up.
ReplyDeleteOk, I'm not gonna get into what I agree and disagree with in this article, but one statement you made that's nagging at me I have to speak on. You mentioned that Jay-Z had one goal in his life from the late 80's onward, to be the greatest rapper. Jay-Z has stated publicly that he never initially intended to take over the rap game. In fact, he's stated that his classic album Reasonable Doubt was a half-hearted effort that he did simply because he had the resources to do it. It wasn't until after his sophomore effort (and some urging from Big Poppa himself), In My Lifetime, that he really dedicated himself to the rap game. He had money before he blew up, that's how him and his crew was able to start an independent label so he wasn't concerned with blowing up fame wise. I believe the lackluster reception of In My Lifetime lit a fire in him that allowed him to push for his full potential.
ReplyDeleteHe might say that for some perosnal reason, but deep down, that was his passion. If not, how do u explain him being on Jaz-O's album back in 1989...and also appearing in the video of the track he was featured in. And then, hanging with Big Daddy Kane in the early 90s, after going on an oversees tour with Jaz around the same time. And he had been trying none stop since 1994 to get a debut album out. What you get in life is where you put your energy, and thats where his full energy and attention was at.
ReplyDeletei tottolly agree wit u base on ur free thinkin n havin a personal relationship wit God,i cant waste my time readin d whole of this cuz ur premise as decide ur conclusion,u among those who tot they knw sth or av sth to tell.welldone bro,i wont mention names here,but some pple have those resources u may never be able to lay ur hands on when it come to research,this pple has lay down thr life for us to evidently examine along on this subject,been a scientist mean dat u sub believe in dat thing u can be able to proof wit evidence to back up claim,i believe u knw wat u doin hr bro,u want to sample opinnion indirectly
ReplyDeleteVery well written article and I like how you bring up the point that artists are riding with the whole Illuminati thing for attention and a type of shock factor. While I 100 percent this group exists, jay z and nas certainly aren't chairmen of the organization. This is the elites of the world, political, religious... entertainment, while a huge industry, just doesn't come to that world control level that the illuminati is made up of. If anything, those higher ups possibly use artists as a tool to spread and/or hide the real message to the masses. Puppets that the general population have come to adore and listen too. While I love a good conspiracy theory, I just cant believe these people who worked their asses off for fame get together to worship Satan.
ReplyDeletelol! EXACTLY!!! Thanks for the addition.