Consequence's girlfriend, Jen The Pen shed more light on the situation-

"Cons did nothing to him. Nothing. I'm telling you, I hear this man's every single conversation -- I know every single thing that has ever happened, and I could say on my son, he never did anything to Kanye for Kanye not to give a congratulations [for our newborn baby], to him or to me, for that matter. ... When he 'was' sticking Kim, when he 'was' sticking Kim, when Kim was with Reggie, you know whose secret that was? That was our secret, when the rest of the world didn't know. No one blew up his spot. He had his back. Every night that man called, 'What do I do? What do I do, you know, about Kim? I need to be with her, I want to be with her,' this, that and the third. That secret was in 'my' home." ("The Breakfast Club")
Actually, Kris Humphries (Kim Kardashian's ex husband) can use this information in court. I know he has been trying to get Amber Rose to speak on the Kim and Kanye relationship being the reason Kanye broke up with her back in 2010. Okay, let me explain further. Kris Humphries is claiming that his whole marriage to Kim was staged by the Kardashian family, just so that they could get more ratings on their show (Keeping Up With The Kardashinas). And if he has evidence that Kim and Kanye had been intimate before and during his time with Kim, then he would have a case. That's cos Kim claimed that she never had anything to do with Kanye intimately until after she had filed for divorce from Kris Humpries in 2011...but Amber Rose says differently. She even recently called Kim a home-wrecker for breaking up her and Kanye's relationship back in 2010. Get the whole drama!!?
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