J.Cole Says Debut Album is Gold

News just hit the internet with J.Cole claiming his debut album is Gold; meaning it is precious...or rare. I know he has put in a lot, and from reading up on him, i know he is not some Conny ass rapper trying to get into the game for the fame- he is in it for the love of hip hop. I am happy Jay-Z finally wants to dedicate some time to getting one of his artist out. He has neglected them at Roc Nation for a while now. I wonder what jay does on a daily.

Back to J.Cole and his debut album that has been anticipated for a while now, read what had to say about it below-

"I'm trying to find ways to word it without sounding overly egotistical, and I want to remain humble, but also let people know it's actually (really) incredible," Cole said about the new LP. "I'm sitting on gold, man. I don't wanna speak it up too much but I'm super confident in it. I'm super proud." The album is due "absolutely no later than September," says Cole, who's been reticent to release an album title or date until both are set in stone. (Detroit News)

I just wonder which artists guest appear on the album. Or, is he going to pull an "illmatic", and not use any famous guest appearances? I don't know, i think that wouldn't really work in the weather we are in right now in hip hop. I just wish him all the best. But, if i am to predict the sales of his debut, i would put it somewhere between 500-800k max. Seriously, i don't think he can do more than that.

Even his boss, with all the promo that blueprint 3 had, and all the marketing and videos, it totaled just 1.6 million. I think J.Cole needs to build his career and not bother about the sales of this first album for now. But i am happy to know people like him are in the game- it gives me some hope for hip hop.

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