Game Speaks on Red Nation Ban

The video for the first single (Red Nation) of Game's R.E.D album was recently banned by MTV and B.E.T. Well, i guess they feel game is to gangsta for TV. I think the video is really cool, and kinda like a breath of fresh air from all i have been seeing on TV. I am just tired of all the videos having the same concept- Party setting, club setting, throwing up money, riding expensive cars...all that. I was just really tired of that, so when i watched Game's RED NATION video, although it shows a lot of gang activity in it, it is very different and innovative.

You can follow this link to view it- RED NATION

Read what game had to say about the video ban below-

"I like to take a little bit of credit myself, too," Game told George Lopez when told the MTV and BET ban helped create a strong online buzz. "They said that they had kid viewers and, you know, it was too gang affiliated but I understand. I got kids, so I didn't argue it. I said cool and went straight to YouTube and now we're at almost four million views." ("Lopez Tonight")

Okay, now he needs to get a release date for his album, and start the more talking.

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