Megan Thee Stallion Says She Watches a Lot of Anime

Who would have thought that rapper Megan Thee Stallion, with how raunchy her lyrics and videos can sometimes get watches Anime. Yea, she said so during her recent interview on Hot 97 radio. One of the hosts of the show she was on, Peter Rosenberg said she seemed like a nerd, and she answered in the affirmative as she laughed, before going on to say...

Image result for megan thee stallion hot 97 interview"Like, I mean, you know, I watch  a lot of anime...It's either like here or there with me. Like we either turning up drinking out the bottle, or we at home watching anime chilling."

That's interesting. When they went on to ask her how the interest in anime began, she said...

"Umm, I was young. I think the first time I saw an anime I was like maybe 10, I don't know."

You can watch her full interview below. She talks about her interest in Anime around the 1o minute mark.

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