Kash Dolls Talks About Opening Up For Beyonce During On The Run 2 Tour

Beyonce and Jay Z had the sequel to their joint tour, On the Run, the On the Run 2 Tour last year from June to October, and Kash Doll had the opportunity to open up for Beyonce twice at the San Diego stop of the tour in September, 2018. The Detroit rapper narrated how this came about during her recent The Angie Martinez Show interview a few days ago.

On the Run II Tour poster.jpg

What had happened was that she had a cousin that danced for Beyonce during the tour, and the cousin told her how she could open for Beyonce during the DJ Khaled set of the tour. Read her words on this below.

Image result for kash doll interview on angie martinez show"She like, 'I'ma see if you can go on Khaled's set.' I'm like, 'what you mean?' She like, 'cuz, some people, if they like you enough, you know, you could open up.' I'm like, 'open up for who?' She like, 'on Khaled's set for Beyonce and Jay Z.' I'm like, 'Girl! Okay, let me know.'...Beyonce, Jay Z, DJ Khaled, they don't know me. This is what I'm thinking. So she like, umm...she calls me back the next day like, 'cousin you won't believe it.' I'm like, 'what cousin?' Cos we call each other cousin. I'm like, 'what cousin?' She like, 'so DJ Khaled and them said you could come and you could come perform a song.' I'm like, 'I can perform a song, where?' So she telling me...I call my team, 'I'm opening for Beyonce. O my Gad! This sh*t's crazy. DADADADADA!' So...sh*t, I opened up for Beyonce, twice."

Good for her. You can watch her full interview below...She talks about opening up for Beyonce around the 18 minute mark.

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