Aaron Carter Not Happy 'Leaving Neverland' Documentary Was Made After Michael Jackson's Death

Like a lot of reasonable people out there, singer, Aaron Carter is not happy with the makers of Leaving Neverland making the documentary after Michael Jackson's death, when he can't defend himself. He also feels like the documentary can be likened to stumping on the legends grave. Aaron is a singer who met Michael Jackson while he was 15, and even spent time at Neverland, in Michael Jackson's bedroom, and says he doesn't believe in the testimonies of Wade Robson and James Safechuck (the two men that accused Michael Jackson of sexually molesting them as kids).

Aaron Carter was interviewed by TMZ yesterday, and when he was asked about his opinion on the Leaving Neverland documentary, he said...

Image result for aaron carter TMZ interview"My reaction to Leaving Neverland was incredible. I remember having the time of my life with Michael. I was about 15 years old. And I remember him just sitting down with me, umm, you know being like, you know, 'this is kind of like what you gotta do Aaron...in your future, you know, just stay focused, stay driven, always be a perfectionist. Umm. You know. I also went to the same vocal coach as Michael...for many years. So, you know, I really idolized Michael the way that you see Wade Robson and the other kid, whatever his name is...When I see someone that is like, okay, you're a grown man and when Michael Jackson was alive, you are backing him, you are up his ass, you are kissing his ass, you are there to testify for him, under oath. And then when he dies, you decide that that's a good time to come out? No. What you're doing is you're actually stumping on an icon and a legend's grave. You're stumping on his grave...i just feel like why not do it when he was alive men! Why not do it when he was being accused of all of these molestation charges? Why not do it then...and actually indict a perpetrator?"

I totally get him. Why come out now with these allegations when he is dead, when all the years when he was alive, you took an oath in court to defend him against these same charges? It is very fishy if you ask me.

When Aaron was asked if he it is possible that what they are saying could have happened, he responded with...

"Not based upon my experience. Because me staying with Michael Jackson, I hung out with Michael Jackson. I stayed in his house. I stayed in his bedroom...I was 15."

At some point during the interview, the TMZ interviewer tried to dispel the story out there that the two men in the documentary did it for the money by saying that the producer of the documentary said they weren't paid. Aaron fired back with...

"You don't think for the interviews that they are doing that they are not getting paid? Because I've been offered six figures already for an interview and I turned them all down. I told them to go f*ck themselves."

He has a point. Those two guys have done multiple interviews after that documentary aired, and they must have made hundreds of thousands of dollars just from those interviews alone. So, they are indirectly making money from this whole thing.

You can watch the full interview below.

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