DaBaby Speaks on Shooting at Robbers that Broke Into His Home

DaBaby, formerly known as Baby Jesus is a successful North Carolina gangster rapper. In his latest interview on VLAD TV, he narrated how he shot at robbers that broke into his home. Read his words below.

Image result for dababy interview on vladI had been rapping for a year...I was still hot with it. That's before i got with SEMG. The business part wasn't implemented with what I had going on. I was just hot as hell. I already had like the big ass Cuban Links like...You know the cuban link chokers niggas be wearing that The Migos made popular and shit. I had the big one. I could have cut it and made two chokers. I had that shit like three years ago...before them niggas had it. I had all that shit going on. I had like 50 thousand worth of jewelry on at all time. Even if I...I wasn't leaving that shit at home. Hell no. So even if i had on basketball shorts and flipflops, I got that shit on to go do whatever."

After stressing how much jewelry he had at the time, he went on to narrate what happened on the said day.

"I'm tired, so when I come in the crib, I just come in...I lay across the bed. I'm on instagram till I pass out. I think it was a TV on in the living room or some shit. At first, I ain't know what woke me up but I found out after. I hear niggas yelling...a bunch of niggas. I only stay with my brother...only other niggas that come there is a friend or something...I came out the corner with that iron (gun). You know what I mean. I know it is going down regardless...It's like a long hallway, turn around this corner, and boom, it is like a little wrap around to the living room...I turned the corner on some James Bon shit. When I turn the corner, I see like 5-6 niggas...some of them over there going through shit. The closest one to me was coming towards me as I turn the corner, and I pop his ass...and they shooting back...I swing back around the corner...go up the stairs, go out the garage."

He later speaks on how after getting out through another exit of his house, he saw them running out the front door, jumping in their car and zooming off.

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