Did Rick Ross Over-saturate the Music Scene with His Music?

So...Do you think Rick Ross over-saturated the music scene with his music in the last couple of years? I think so. And it was a big mistake. In the last 21 months, he has released three albums, and one mixtape. I think that's just too much music for that that short a period. That is like releasing four albums in two years, cos really, his Black Dollar mixtape was like an album (most of his mixtapes are like albums). Oh, yea, I almost forgot he also released a mixtape titled Renzel last month, filled with his remixes of other people's songs. The mixtape was a double disk, and had 26 songs on it...Come on! That's taking it too far.

Yea, there was a time Lil Wayne saturated the market with his music, and didn't burn out, but there is a big difference here. Lil Wayne's style of music has very little dept to it. Wayne depends on his unlimited punchlines and metaphors, backed with his crazy delivery to carry him through most songs. But Ross is more of a content based rapper, and it is only so much ways you can tell your story or drop street knowledge before people start getting tired of it. And besides, Lil Wayne was doing a lot of features/guest appearances, not dropping two albums in a year and all that.

Rick Ross just dropped his latest album, his 8th studio album (Black Market), and even though the album is better than the one before it, it sold far less. After a full week in stores, Ross's latest album, Black Market sold just a little over 60,000 copies. This is the lowest first week sales in his 9 years long career. At this point, I think he needs to focus on promoting this album and all the songs on it to the maximum for the next couple of months, and then he needs to take a long hiatus. He needs to go off the scene for a while; maybe do a couple of features, but not releasing another album or mixtape for at least two years. Then come back again, and take things slow this time. When people have too much of anything, they get tired of it, and it loses its worth in their eyes. It is that simple.

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