Nelly Visits Ferguson

Yesterday, Nelly visited Ferguson to give the people some positive words. Since Mike Brown was killed a police man two weeks ago, there has been non stop demonstration going on in the city. Nelly is from Saint Louis, Missouri, so Ferguson is really around his neighborhood; Ferguson is also in Saint Louis, Missouri. 

Nelly said destroying their neighborhood would only make things worse, and advised them to take another route to fighting injustice to the black man in America. Read his words after the cut.

There’s more doctors — brothas and sistas — that are in college than in jail. They [don't] want you to believe that. I just asked a couple of brothas coming up here. ‘Are there more brothas in jail or in college?’ [They said,] ‘Shoot, in jail.’ Huh? No it ain’t. It ain’t been like that since 2001. See what I’m saying? There’s more doctors, there’s more lawyers, there’s more teachers, there’s more black billionaires, there’s more black millionaires, you got options brothers and sisters, you got options.

We gotta understand that we got options and stop choosing the reaction option. That’s it. At the end of the day we’re gonna pay. Our brothas are the ones that’s gonna be in jail. Our mothers are going to be the ones trying to sell her house so we can get out, and now our mama ain’t got no house for the other kids. It’s a chain reaction, man. We don’t want to deal with the reality. We just want to be so mad that we got our own personal agenda. It’s about the Brown family. It’s not about your family right now.”

Nice message. I like the part about choice. You can act how they believe you will react, or you can stop being violent all the time, stop playing victim, and make things better by being better, so that they wont have anything on you no more. Like T.I said in this his New National Anthem song i have been listening to non stop since morning..."Stop waiting on folks to help you, help yourself. Start with you. Get yourself out, reach back, and get somebody else out."

See some more pics of Nelly in Ferguson below. 

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