The Kevin Durant/Game Misunderstanding

Yesterday, a misconception of words between Game and NBA player, Kevin Durant turned to the two throwing negative words at each other. Apparently, Game and Kevin Durant had a bet that if Game could take a shot from an agreed angle on the court and make a basket, that he, Kevin Durant would give all 120 kids fro,m Game's charity basketball team a pair each of KD Sneakers. That was agreed on, but Game (who likes to exaggerate a lot) went on Instagram and told the world that he had a bet of $20,000 (calculating the 120 pairs of KD sneakers to be worth $20,000) with KD. Kevin Durant was asked about the $20k bet by TMZ, and since he didn't understand that Game had rounded up the worth of all the sneakers, he said there was nothing like that, and that Game was a liar.

Read through Game and KD's messages, and see where it all went wrong. First off is Game's Instagram message on the bet.

"Bet Kevin Durant a.k.a. @EasyMoneySniper $20,000 that he'd have to donate to the @froggallstars & play wit #LaFamilia in the #DrewLeague if I made an NBA 3 pointer all net & my hittas @jharden13 @Demar_Derozan & @ChampagnePapi was right there to witness it all... I guess that's that ! KD must ain't get the memo..... My jumper wetter than stripper p%$$¥ !!!!!!!!!! #BloodMoney #OvO #LaFamilia 

Then TMZ asked Kevin Durant about the bet, and he said...
"That's false. He's lying."

And then Game got angry about being called a liar by KD, and responded with...
"Now why @easymoneysniper frontin on the kids homie ?!?!?!? We clearly said..... "If I made the 3 from NBA range you'd supply the entire @froggallstars program with brand new Kevin Durant shoes"...... 120 kids, close to $200 a shoe equals about $20,000..... How am I lying ???? Just say you a sore loser & you ain't wanna help the kids.... It ain't that they need it cause I bought all 120 kids Lebrons out my own pocket as you can see on their Instagram.. But I thought it would be kool for them to meet you & be able to ball in your shoes especially since they look up to you & I made the shot as WE AGREED... @champagnepapi was right there, so was @jharden13 @trim_skit & @Demar_Derozan But don't sweat it champ, we'll still support you & I'll go buy them myself just cause they mean that much to me..... 1 love - The Game 

And after both of them clarified things on the phone (what should have been done in the first place), Game hit back with...

"Had a conversation with @easymoneysniper this morning & we both agreed that there was a miscommunication between the middle party which was "TMZ" & that the way the camera man presented it to him was as if he bet me $20,000 cash which wasn't the case.... We agreed that if I hit the 3 point shot he would get KD gear & his kicks for all the kids in our @froggallstars organization which is close to 130 children.... 130 kids at a price of maybe $150 a shoe & gear after tax equals close to $20,000 give or take so that's where that # came from. When I woke up & had multiple texts & calls saying KD called me a liar on TMZ, I acted immediately in clearing things up on my end on my page & didn't have a # on @easymoneysniper to clear it up privately which is what I should've done because the situation that was meant to be friendly & charitable to the kids & is now blown out of proportion.... But again, after talking to KD this am he again agreed to get all the kids his kicks & KD gear & also stated he was taken back by the $20,000 cash because that wasn't what was agreed on by us..... It was a friendly bet that was only purely beneficial to the kids in our program & I'm glad we straightened it out in the end & I personally told @easymoneysniper my bad for jumping the gun due to what I read on TMZ this am. It was truly a miscommunication.. I could've chose my words a bit wiser & made it a little more clear.... So on behalf of all the kids, myself & the @froggallstars organization, we want to thank him again for looking out for our kids & our fast growing program, it's very much appreciated - The Game

Hmm! This crazy world of social media.

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