Snoop Lion Says Biggie and Tupac's Deaths Opened Lanes For A Lot Of Rappers

I think I am getting used to calling him Snoop Lion right now. Anyway, Snoop, who has been around since the early 90s, spoke on how the death of both Biggie and Tupac opened the lanes for so many rappers that were in the background around the time of their death. Read his words to catch his drift-

“You know what, I had that discussion two or three times and I always come to the conclusion that a lot of artists wouldn’t be as big as they are if they were here. And that was with no disrespect. It’s just certain lanes opened up for artists when they were gone…On the bar a lot of rappers wouldn’t be where they are. I can’t say they names because I love ‘em all, but certain rappers that had big years, big albums. When he was gone, that wouldn’t have been there. That would have been his lane and that would have been his lane. And you wasn’t stepping on Biggie or Tupac lane.”

I am certain one of the people he is speaking about is Jay-Z. I consider Jay a rap hustler and all, and one of the most successful rappers of all time, but back then he was really in Biggie's shadow. I am not saying Jay wasn't/isn't skilled, but Jay-Z has always had that mentality of riding the wave of the hottest artist out, but without losing himself. And back in the mid 90s, he was riding that Biggie wave hard. And once Biggie passed in 97, he was the next rapper with that mass/commercial appeal. And being a rapper associated with Big, the world just poured their love on him. As I said, I am, in no way saying Jay ain't skilled on the mic, but he benefited greatly from the passing of Biggie. Look at it, when did Jay blow up? He dropped his first album in 96, it was mildly successful. The second one was in 97, and was highly criticized for sounding too commercial. Big died the same year, but Biggie's second album, "Life After Death" dropped the same year. And then, in 98, there was a big void, especially for a rapper who was lyrical, but could also make commercial radio friendly songs. And, yup! Jay was the right man for the job.

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