Obama Finally Comments On Jay Z and Beyonce Cuba Trip

A couple of weeks ago, Jay Z and his wife, Beyonce took a trip to Havana-Cuba to celebrate their 5th wedding Anniversary. And it happens that there is still a U.S tourism sanction embargo on Cuba. It has something to do with Cuba being a Communist nation, and having some run-ins with the U.S over half a decade ago. Senators and United States Representatives started asking for explanations from the white house on how the power couple got licence to travel to the country.

Jay and Beyonce supported the two Obama elections; financially, and they also helped use their music to get people to vote. And that has made The Obama's and The Carter's (Jay and B) very close friends. This friendship has been questioned over the years by some Tea Part and Republican politicians; and Jay-Z just made matters worse by releasing his new track, Open Letter, which is a response to the politicians that are questioning his visit to Cuba. Check out some lines from the track below-

You gettin' too much bread, they try to jam you
Boy from the hood but got White House clearance
Sorry y'all, I don't agree with y'all appearance
Politicians never did shit for me
Except lie to me, distort history...

Y'all buy that bullshit, you'd better keep y'all receipt
Obama said "chill, you gonna get me impeached"
But you don't need this shit anyway
Chill with me on the beach...

Hmm! I think Jay Z shouldn't have brought Obama's name into this at all. This is the President of a country, and he is definitely under a lot of attack right now, and for Jay to rap about him and Obama talking about this controversial trip before it happened would just give more ammo to all the people attacking Obama. Anyway, Obama has something different to say about the trip.

When asked on "The Today Show" about whether or not he had prior knowledge of Jay-Z and Beyonce's Cuba trip, he said-

"I wasn't familiar that [Jay-Z and Beyonce] were taking the trip. My understanding is I think they went through a group that organizes these educational trips down to Cuba."

Well, even if he was aware, you don't expect him to say so.

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