A Burna Boy Interview

Okay, I didn't conduct the interview. lol! A friend of a friend of my brother brought this magazine titled The Scene to my house and I saw the interesting interview in there, and decided to put it up here. Hope you enjoy the read. By the way, if you don't know, Burna Boy was the hottest new artist in Nigeria last year. His mellow style caught everyone off-guard...very different from the normal dance-hall style that is the common sound here.

Check out the interview below. "Q" stands for Question, and "A" stands for Answer.

Q- Tell us about the name "Burna Boy"

A- Where the name came from? Basically, I like cartoon super heroes, I just thought to go with a more comic kind of name. You know there is Spiderman, Superman and all that with their super powers. So, I'm Burna Boy and my power is music.

Q- What inspires your musical style?

A- My environment. I try to defer myself; I try to set the trends instead of following it. My genre of music is afro-fusion. I call it that because I fuse a lot of genre's into one and deliver my message.

Q- How has your popularity over the last few months been for you?

A- It has been great for me; I wont say I didn't expect it because I worked hard for it. You can only work so hard, but God is the only one that guarantees anything, that's why I give all praise to him. It has been great.

Q- What's your real name?

A- My name is Damini Ogulu

Q- Where are you from?

A- I come from Port Harcourt, River state. The south side of Nigeria, I'm repping PH.

Q- Tell us about your background.

A- I basically grew up in Port Harcourt; was born in Port Harcourt, went to a primary school in Port Harcourt, I then moved to Lagos for secondary education: then I went to London for a long period of time.

Q- What inspired you to go into music?

A- I've always wanted to do music, even back to my primary school days, my mates would be singing nursery rhymes and I'll stand on the table singing "Hip-Hop Hurray." So, it has been in me for a long time to do music.

Q- How do you relate with your fans?

A- I try to relate with them as much as I can. I try to get their views through social media. I connect as much as I can with my fans every day.

Q- What should your fans be expecting from you soon?

A- The video of my new single, Tonight. The album will also be out soon, a few other videos will drop. Just expect a takeover.

Q- If you had the opportunity to work with any foreign artiste, who would it be?

A- I have a long list, but I'll just mention five and they are: Stevie Wonder, then Colly Buzz, Meek Mill, Kendrick Lamar, Adele, definitely Adele.

Q- What are your favourite things you do in your spare time?

A- I like to hangout, see the view, and just try to get that inspiration. Other than that, I play basketball.

Q- Describe your ideal girl.

A- I don't believe their is any such thing as an ideal girl.

Q- Your favourite song at the moment?

A- Adele's song in the new 007 Skyfall movie, Adam Levine...

Q- Where are your favourite spots in Lagos?

A- I like the beach a lot, Oniru and Elegushi.

Q- What inspires the way you dress, why yours is different?

A- I try to set my own trends, I don't want to go on stage and everyone would be like they have seen someone wearing the same clothes somewhere else. So, I dress in a way no one else will want to dress.

Q- Do you write your own lyrics?

A- Of cos I do. The funny thing is that I don't really write on paper. I just go to the boot and just drop. It is like an angel just dropped a message and asked me to deliver it. It's crazy.

Q- When it comes to beats and producing, is there anything in particular that you can change?

A- I would be cool to get the high Usher kind of voice thing but other than, I would not change my voice.

Q- What do you think about Nigerian music now?

A- Honestly, I don't really know what is going on because I am not current with stuff from the music industry, but from what I can remember, the hype has been crazy...everybody has been gingered. You can actually tell from the music that there is a lot going on there.

Q- Would you like to work with any Nigerian artiste?

A- I have worked with a few artistes already, but I feel collaborations should be done for one reason or the other. Either you have it from the foundation, or he can offer amazing sounds. I have had the privilege of working with Shank, Sauce Kid, etc and it has been crazy.

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