Suge Knights Says He Would Beat Rick Ross Up

I have an idea Suge Knights (Death Row Records Co- Founder) is looking for attention. Yesterday, the news about him was that he believed Tupac was still alive somewhere; then today, the news is that he wants to beat Rick Ross up.

"I can't sit up here and say I'm bitter to Rick Ross, 'cus like anybody else, we don't know Rick Ross," Suge said. "That's a guy who uses somebody else's name. This guy comes from being a correctional officer. I don't got nothing negative [against him] personally, I just feel like he do do good music, and you can't take that from him. That boy got bars, he's gonna write…at the same time, I feel like there's a line you cross, and Rick Ross crossed that line. If you're gonna be with guy [Diddy] who killed Tupac, you can't go turn around and do a record [called] 'Tupac Back'…Rick Ross is a grown ass nigga. I'll beat the dog shit out of Rick Ross for manipulating these people out here."

Personally, i am tired of people bringing up Rick Ross's C.O issue; yeah, he was a correctional officer, and so what? Even if he was a cop i wouldn't give a shit. Howmany rappers are who they rap about on a day to day basis? And, this keeps coming up because of Ross's success. Rick Ross dropped his first album in 2006, but in 2000, when he was hanging around Erick Sermon, and featuring on his album, no one brought up this issue. I am sure he probably left that C.O job like 13 years ago. Do you know what you can do with your life in 13 years?

And as for Suge Knights, i think he is just bitter about Ross's success and the fact that He (knights) is nolonger relevant in hip hop. Just look at all the people making Ross's C.O situation a big deal- 50 cent, shyne, suge knight...people that nolonger have a buzz in the industry. You don't see T.I, Kanye, Jay-Z, Emine, Lil Wayne, or Drake bringing that ish up. Black people need to get over envy of every successful black man out there. It is the same everywhere...the hate is in America, as much as it is in Nigeria and every other country that has Negros in it.

And back to the reason Suge gave for wanting to beat Rick Ross up: i thought he said yesterday that he didn't believe Tupac was dead? Yesterday he said he believed Tupac planned his own death, and that he was somewhere hiding. And now he is claiming Diddy killed Tupac. I am starting to think Suge is just saying all these to get attention away from himself in the Tupac Murder investigation. This dude is suspect men!

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