Prodigy Speaks On Living With Sickle Cell

I can remember hearing Tupac say some thing like- "ain't one of you guys got sickle cell or something" Speaking of Mobb Deep...Prodigy to be precise. That song and what Tupac said was really offensive back then, and it kinda made me feel bad for the person he was talking to. That was 1996, and i didn't even know Mobb Deep back then. Nas opened my eyes to Them (Prodigy and Havoc) in 1999, with all the collaborations they did. Prodigy has come forward to speak on how he has been managing with sickle cell so far...

"To me, it's a blessing from God, number one," he said of how he's managed to have sickle cell for so many years. "Secondly, I take care of my health. I don't fuck around. I learned how to do that of that a long time ago. There was years I was slippin'. I had many years where I was slippin'. I fell off on my health shit. I was drinking and doing all the wrong shit. When I got locked up, it actually helped me get my shit back together because you ain't got access to none of that shit no more."

"Plus, when you're in jail, that's the worst place you could ever be to have sickle cell. You will die in that muthafucker. Them niggas don't care if you screaming in pain. If they don't see blood, if they don't see you unconscious with blood, they not taking you to the hospital. So, I had to get myself together. I had to get my health together to make sure I wasn't going to get sick in there. I started working out. I was eating right, drinking mad water and just doing what I had to do to stay healthy."

I think the best i have seen him is now. I mean, since he got out of jail. He is now looking super healthy, and has gained weight. I guess it was from hitting the gym a lot while locked up. Just compare the picture above, with the one below, and you would have an idea of what i am talking about.

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