Shyne Has Been Dropped From Def Jam

This is news, but according to reliable sources, Shyne has been dropped from Def Jam since May. Shyne got out of Jail earlier this year, and LA Reid brought him to Def was actually a big deal at the time because Shyne had just gotten out of jail after serving 10 years.. Personally, i really wondered what the fuss was about. I am not hating, but it is not like Shyne was such a big act before he went to jail. He had two hits, and people were feeling him because he sounded like Biggie, and was signed to Bad Boy of the reasons why i was really surprised when he was calling out Rick Ross for living a fake life. It is not like he really had an original image. Anyway, news is out that he has been dropped by Def Jam...that's according to producer, Kevin Lewis.

"Well, I mixed 18 songs for the upcoming album and produced two, but he got dropped from Def Jam [Records], and I haven't heard from him since," Lewis said in an interview. "That may not be common knowledge. [Laughs] That might get me in trouble. His release date was splattered as May 17 all over the world, but the day came and went, and I never heard from Shyne again. I don't really know what happened to him, I just know that as far as I'm concerned, I'm not a part of that record anymore." (Hip Hop DX)

I can remember when Shyne was going on and on about Rick Ross being a correctional Officer, and saying he couldn't respect him as a rapper for that. It was just funny to me why he would stress on a matter that was part of Ross's past...about 14 years ago. And it was funnier when i finally heard his voice on Lil Wayne's Carter 4 outro and he sounded just like left me confused. 

I wish him all the best, and i hope he get off the negative and work on getting his career off the ground, instead of commenting on someone's else's life...eventhough that person stretched a hand to him when he got out of jail. Really, i just don't understand some people.

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