I remember hearing "the game" making comments like buck would be the next to leave "G-Unit" after he left in 2005. The thing is, everybody kind of knew that if any other person was to leave the camp, buck would be that person. Buck left the unit last year(2008), after claiming he had not gotten proper payments so far from the label.
Shortly after he left the camp, 50 released a recorded phone conversation he had had with buck a couple of months prior to buck finally living, where buck cries and begs 50 not to kick him out of the group/label. It's been almost a year, and buck has been a bit low-key, asides from a couple of diss records he dropped to address the issue, he has not said much on it. Finally, he gives a full lenght interview with This is what it went like.....

HipHopDX: On “Did U Miss Me” [click to listen] you announce that you’re back, but you sound like you don’t really wanna be in the rap game anymore – that you’re disgusted by it, with the fakeness in it. So as of February 24, 2009 where is Young Buck at with this rap shit?
Young Buck: Well just to be honest, I know I wanna be in the rap game. I know this is what I wanna do. I will say I’m not just pleased with a lot of the material that’s out there – a lot of the gimmick rappers I should say. I put real life, reality rap, into my music. I write about what I’m going through on a day-to-day basis, and give it to the fans. Because I feel like, the only thing that’s gonna keep [them connected to me] as an artist is to give ‘em the truth. And the truth is real… I see a lot of artists right now that speak on the life they wish they lived, or somebody else’s life that may be around ‘em. I’ve just had the experience in my time where I’ve seen both sides of it. And I’m just real enough to say, “Okay, this is where I’m at right now,” and give it to you real [rather] than sugarcoat my shit and say, “Everything is all gravy.” I’m not a muthafucka out here without by far. But you know, I’m struggling just like half of the rest of [America] whether it’s through the recession or just everything else. I feel that shit just like you do. I’m not getting that [realness] out of a lot of artists. T.I. [click to read] bringing it to the table, [Young] Jeezy [click to read], [and] it’s a few more out there I’m really feeling. east coast-wise; I like Maino…. But for me, I just feel like keeping the fans updated with where I stand at and where I’m at [is the most important thing].

DX: And speaking of that, at the end of “Did U Miss Me” you candidly note that “I ain’t really had contact and seen no money from this rap shit in about…a year or so.” So what is your connection to the industry at this point? Are you still signed as a solo artist to G-Unit/Interscope Records?
Young Buck: Yeah. See the situation that I’m going through is kinda odd. Because, most of the times you would have seen an artist that’s on a label have the [inaudible] with the CEO. Most of the times they part ways, and [usually] the CEO says, “You go on. I kicked you [off the label] totally.” In my situation, it’s more humiliating to me I think in 50 [Cent]’s [click to read] eyes to hold me as long as he can before I’m actually able to fulfill the albums I have left [on my contract]. So eventually I’ll be able to come around and do another album… I think [50] knows that if he was to say, "[You’re released from G-Unit]," everybody and they mama waiting on the kid. It’s a check waiting for me the minute that [he decides to do that]. So with me not having no contact with him within a year or so [that leads] me to feel [that’s what he’s doing].

As far as me not seeing no money from this rap thang, yeah I haven’t had nothing on the shelf, no material that’s [commercially available]…When I made that line, I’m pretty much referring to I haven’t seen no Interscope money, no label money. But as an artist, hey man, I’m surviving. I’m out here pushing… My shows stay packed up. And I’m doing everything that I possibly can to work around the situation, being that I’m being held up on droppin’ an album.

DX: Have you been told what needs to be done before you can stop being held up? I mean, has anybody [reached out] through your manager or anybody [and] said this is what you gottta do, or this is what needs to be done?
Young Buck: I’ma be real with you, [months] before the phone conversation was leaked [in June 2008] from 50 Cent on me [click to read], I was [reaching] out [to] 50. Because I was aware through my manager at the time, Sha Money [XL] [click to read], that [50] was feeling a little awkward about me speaking and saying that I’ve never seen a royalty check [click to read]. So my whole thing then was to [try to reach] out to 50 and make him understand, being that it was an interview I had did a month prior to when it was released [via Yo! Raps Magazine on March 17, 2008]… I [tried to reach] out to [50], just trying to let him understand, “Look my man, I spoke this and said this – I’ve never seen a royalty check in my career – because it’s the truth.” I didn’t say it to say 50’s taking money from me, or he’s cheating me… I’m the only one that’s recouped over there. It’s the truth. And I tried my best to get in contact with him and make him understand - man-to-man, and have my conversation with him – “Look dude, this is an old interview that had been put out.” But, I never heard from him [after that interview was published].
And [so] then Sha Money was [reaching] out [to] me [at that time]. I’m [reaching] back at Sha Money like, “Yo, have you talked to him?” [And] he’s like, “Nah, he ain’t answering my calls.” [And] at that point Sha Money felt like he had to do something, and try to make the situation as best as possible, to kinda like keep things on board. We was trying to get shit back together. Because [a prior] separation had came from when [G-Unit] was putting out mixtapes and I wasn’t on the cover…and moving around without me. So [50 and me] had got back on line with each other [after that], and then that’s when [the interview was published].
Wasn’t getting no conversation from 50, [and so] Sha Money felt like, “You know what? Let me go out here and put a statement out on our behalf.” And that’s when he hit [the web], and he put out the statement [on March 21, 2008] saying Buck has made over 10 million dollars in his career, [and] he’s waving the G-Unit flag [click to read]. And from that point, once I read that statement, I got right back at Sha Money and my first words to [him] was “Ten million dollars, Sha?” And I got a lot of respect and a lot of love for Sha because I know the decisions that’s being made right now is decisions that actually he chose to make [but are] things he has to do. But I’m the best man in Sha’s wedding. So I can’t just sit here and act like I don’t have no love for him when at the end of the day I do. But he went and said what he said just trying to clear things up with 50 ‘cause we couldn’t get a conversation from 50.

And [then a few weeks later, in early April 2008] I got a call from my partna G.I. and he was like, “Yo bruh, go look at this on the computer. 50’s kicking you out.” That’s when [50 Cent] went out [and spoke to] I think it was Miss Info, and he was like, “Yo, Buck’s no longer a part of the group G-Unit, but he’s still an artist signed to the label.” So I’m like, “Wow.” ‘Cause like I said, [there] wasn’t no conversation [with 50 Cent]… After Fif went out on the radio and said I’m no longer a part of G-Unit, I still maintained my [composure] and just kept calling the cat's number, just trying to get this conversation out of him and let him know, “Okay, well that’s done the way it’s done, [but] how do we move forward from here? And what it is then that you saying I’m still an artist signed to [G-Unit] but I’m no longer part of the group?” And [we] just never had no conversation.

I understand [why Sha Money XL said what he said in his statement]. He didn’t wanna make people feel like we ain’t made no money, being as successful as G-Unit is. And I’ve seen a lot of money with Fif. But 10 million? It’s simple, I can let you know what I’ve made. I’ll just put out my tax statements since I signed with G-Unit… I haven’t received 10 million dollars, or jacked off 10 million dollars. I’ve never paid a million dollars in taxes…

And the conversation that I had that got taped and leaked was a conversation that I had sitting in Sha Money’s car on Sha Money’s cell phone in Phoenix, Arizona [a few weeks before the Yo! Raps interview was published]. [And] it was emotional. I’m an emotional type of dude. I deal with people from the heart. And I looked at 50 from a brother prospective… I looked at him as a big brother. And I felt like whatever it takes for me to get myself back in position [and] making things work the way [they’ve] always been, let me do that… And [during that conversation] it was a point in it where yeah I became emotional about it. But see, one thing I want everybody out there to understand is every man got an emotional side to him, whether he choose to show it or whether he choose to hide it. That don’t make you lesser of no man. I’m a real muthafucka. I poured my emotions out dealing with dude because I dealt with him from the heart, not the hand. And I don’t look at it as a mistake on my behalf because that’s the way I was raised… It’s hard to just look at a person as this is only business, [especially] when we dealing with real life or death issues. With all these beef situations, [that] shit wasn’t no bullshit. [I can’t] look [at it] like, “Okay, this is my homie from nine-to-five.” Nah man, we got real life shit going down… That’s the way I was brought up, you deal with muthafuckas from the heart, not the hand. [But] in this business what I’ve learned is this is business. So I don’t fault him for just looking at me as business, but I will say that I think we coulda handled shit in a different way.
[But] it still hasn’t been no conversation. My [new] manager [Michael "Blue" Williams] has been back and forth trying to get conversation. He’s been [in touch] with their lawyers. And [it’s] pretty much been at a standstill. Just here lately I’ve been given word to go ahead and submit a budget and go from there, as far as going in and making another album.

DX: [Are you] saying that [you’re] trying to get a budget from Interscope, or that Interscope already cleared a budget for you?
Young Buck: I had went to Interscope – me and Blue and G.I. We was actually supposed to I think meet with Jimmy [Iovine], and we was directed to the cat under Jimmy. And from the conversation that I got from him, it was pretty much “Who you wanna work with on this project? We ready.” They didn’t really speak on nobody else, but they stressed the fact that, “We will do another Young Buck album.” [So] we was pretty much told that we was going in [to begin work on the album] right around New Year’s. [I was told], “After the new year, [once] the holidays is over with, you’ll hear from us.” I ain’t heard from them [yet]. And I think a lot of that’s [because of] the fact that 50’s pushing his album back.

It is what it is. I’m patiently waiting. But, I can’t sit here and let my fans become that eager to hear Buck to the point where they feel like, “Well damn, Buck [must be] fucked up.” Or, “He’s on drugs.” Or, “He jacked off all this money.”

I’m not here to beef with 50 Cent or go back and forth with [G-Unit]. I’m here to make good music and keep it moving. It is what it is, as far as G-Unit and me. I don’t really see myself actually ever being a part of G-Unit again. But I do see myself trying to fulfill those albums that I got left over there, because that’s only business. I’m only following up what was [stated by 50 Cent], and that was you no longer part of G-Unit as a group but you still an artist signed to the label. And I’m trying to actually do it without having to take the legal [route]. That’s what’s [taken] so long. I’m a street nigga. And I pretty much felt and know that damn 50, you a street nigga too. I ain’t legally trying to play this game with this nigga. So I’m thinking well damn, maybe he’ll come off this shit after awhile and we’ll give conversation towards each other or however it may go so we can get an understanding.

DX: Can you clarify the rumor that T.I. was kinda trying to extract you from [your G-Unit] contract?
Young Buck: Nah, Tip ain’t never tried to extract me from [the] contract. Tip has only just lent me genuine knowledge and genuine support… Tip always just gave me real knowledge that he’s learned in the business, things that he feel like can help me through the situation. Not only Tip, but Jeezy also. Those are the two cats that I’ve pretty much had conversation with the most. Tip has always been there, and Jeezy been there before anybody as far as dealing with Young Buck.

DX: Do you still have the deal with Sony Red for Cashville Records?
Young Buck: Without a doubt. Sony Red know what they got. They ain’t no fools. You think they gonna let my situation go? You know what I just came up with off of having conversation with you?

DX: What’s that?
Young Buck: The name of my next album.

DX: Go ahead, hit me with it.
Young Buck: The Ca$h Cow. And that just hit me right now. That’s the name of my next album because that’s what 50 knows I am, that’s what you know I am, the streets know I am. So that’s what I’ma deliver.

DX: So what happens to the situation though for Cashville Records?
Young Buck: I feel like [first] I want to work my situation out [with G-Unit/Interscope] as much as it's gonna get with being able to release another album. I didn’t wanna be on a record from one of my artists, or one of the projects that I been working on [to] release through Sony Red and Cashville Records and deal with a problem of 50 saying, "I’m not clearing him." ‘Cause I kinda ran into that with the DVD that I was due to put out [in June 2008], the A Billion Bucks DVD. Well he didn’t clear me for it. So I said before I have to go that way [of clearing projects], I’ll just sit here, toss this music out to the streets [and] keep me relevant until we get some type of understanding business-wise.

DX: In the meantime, while you’re dealing with these label issues, like you said you’re still determined to serve the streets. And on “Did U Miss Me” you note that “Freeway Ricky Ross be home end of March,” and I understand that Rick is hosting a new Buck street release?
Young Buck: Yeah, I got a mixtape coming with Bigga Rankin. And Freeway just a real individual. I pretty much was connected [to him] through another person dealing with him. I haven’t dealt with Freeway Ricky Ross through the streets or [in any way during] the years of my life when he was [free], it’s just that I think he understands me through conversation and through the music. But he was honorable enough to host my mixtape. And I’m honored and thankful for that, being that the life that he come from I just feel like he can tell it the realest. Things you go through in life make you who you are. [And] he done went through things for real. And like I say, I’m trying to base my music and my career and my life and everything that I do around reality.
DX: And you know I gotta ask, is Buck working with the real Rick Ross a sign of your intention to enter the battle between the rappin’ Rick Ross and 50 Cent?
Young Buck: I mean, I got respect for Rick Ross [click to read]. [But] that’s not my situation. I feel like at this point [50 Cent] got his own situation, I got my own situation, so who am I to comment on anything dealing with ya man?

DX: Since your split with G-Unit you publicly aligned yourself with former foe The Game - appeared in his “My Life” video. And I know that you’re on Nu Jerzey Devil’s upcoming solo debut [click to read]. So I was wondering where your relationship with The Game and the Black Wall Street crew stands today?
Young Buck: Me and Game [click to read] never really had a real street beef outside of this rap shit, the rap beef that was there when I was amongst G-Unit. So when I was exited out of G-Unit, Game was the first one to reach out to me. [He] was like, “Yo, we ain’t really have no real situation.” And I knew we didn’t, so we seen eye to eye. And it is what it is at this point. I ain’t got no problem with dude, and I’m sure he ain’t got no problem with me…

I’m [just] moving, man. I’m definitely in the studio everyday. I’m working on my album, my new album The Ca$h Cow, which I just came up with right now live right here on HipHopDX.

And I just wanna say I appreciate all the love from the fans, the ones that stayed down with Buck through the ups and downs… It’s well-appreciated over this way. And one thing that I know, the fans know, 50 Cent know, and everybody out there knows is that when I’m given the opportunity to drop another album I am gonna do the damn thang.

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