Waka Flocka Give Reason for Quitting Rap

Waka Flocka and his wife, Tammy Rivera were on Hot 97 radio for an interview yesterday. The first half of their interview had Ebro, Laura Stylez, and Peter Rosenberg asking them questions about the ups and downs of their marriage. But in the second half, Ebro asked Waka why he fought so hard to get Tammy back after he cheated on her and she kicked him out of the house. He went on to say how his family meant the world to him...more than rap music. Then he talked about quitting rap because he felt he had outgrown the art form.

Read his reasons for quitting rap below...

"I'm 32 years old. What I'ma be 40 rapping? 38 rapping? Nah! I need a life. I'm not trying to be no...I don't know men. I'm just a different kind of person. Even if I talk it kinda sound like I'm hating on somebody or something. But when is it gonna be cool to be an adult? Like seriously. When? When is...When? And it's hard cos you're among people that is like they running from being an adult. You got kids wanting to be grown ups and grown ups wanting to be kids. So it's like, yo where do I fit? i can't run with no kids. Cos I don't know how to Instagram beef people. I swear I'm not trying to be gangster or nothing, I just don't...I don't know how to hit people's comments that talk crazy about me. I don't know how to do that. Cos you're hurting my real life, so sh*t let's get busy. But that ain't what it is today. But then when you're talking on an adult level, I can't go to other artists and sit down in a room and be like, yo all of us let's put a hundred thousand together. Yo, let's build a hedge-fund. Yo, let's invest in this. Yo. I can't do that. So if I can't do that, why should I rap? What I'ma keep rapping about? 'Yo, I'm pairu and I get the damn moves and I...' What? Like what are you rapping about? Honest to God truth, what the hell can I talk about?"

It seems like he was taking shots at The Game when he talked about rapping about Piru. Who else raps about Pirus on a commercial level? And Game is a 40 year old rapper. lol! But that aside, I feel where he is coming from. I guess it has to do with what the foundation of rap was built on- Graffiti, breakdancing, street life, braggadocio lyrics, gangster lyrics...all these are things teens and people in their twenties do/talk about, not adults. People like Jay Z and Nas have found ways to talk that grown man sh*t in their raps nowadays, but hey still spit a little gangster rap here and there. You just can't escape it in rap...at least if you want to be commercially successful.

You can watch the full interview below...skip to the 15 minute mark to hear him talk about why he quit rap.

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