Did Mariah Carey Cheat on Nick Cannon with Nas?

Celebrity divorce and breakup news seems to be all over the place these days. Some have turned out true, and some are still being speculated. The latest is the rumor that Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey are breaking up their six year marriage. I highly doubted this at first, but Nick Cannon has revealed in a recent interview with the Insider (on Thursday- 21/08/14) that he and Mariah have been living in separate houses for months now. Could this be because of a rumor that Mariah Carey cheated on Nick Cannon with Nas?

Now that people know they are indeed separated, everyone is asking the million dollar question; "What caused the separation between Mariah Carey and Nicki Cannon?" A lot of gossip sites have been speculating that Mariah got pissed when Nick went on Big Boy's Radio Show and mentioned the five celebrities he had slept with; one of them being Kim Kardashian. Well, he was asked a question, and since he is comedian, and likes to be candid, he answered the question. Others have said it's because Mariah Carey likes to be the boss in the house, and Nick can't put up with that any longer. Even if she is 10 years older than him, he is still the man of the house. Another speculation people are looking into is if the rumors that Mariah Carey slept with Nas could be the reason the couple are splitting. 

Read what Nick Cannon said about the Nas and Mariah Carey cheating rumor below; this is from some months back during an interview Nick did with Howard Stern

"It's amazing to me when I hear that stuff. Nas is probably one of the best rappers to ever do it, Howard. He's a friend of mine, he's a friend of hers. She went to his birthday party and I think I was in L.A...We actually talked about this before. It'd be very difficult to make me jealous. I'm probably one of those dudes that's really secure in my relationship."

Well, they do look all cozy in this pic to the right, but I just see that as Mariah being happy to be in the presence of one of her favorite rappers. And they worked together on her album afterwards. I don't think this could have lead to anything. But then again, what do I really know, sitting here in my room all day? lol! But one thing though, Nick said they spoke about it. Why would they have to speak about it? It is not like Mariah went solo to Nas's house to visit him. She went for Nas's birthday, and from the pics I saw from that day, JD was with her. In fact, if there is anyone that Nick Cannon should be jealous of, it should be JD...he is with Mariah like every time...long hours in the studio, at events, during interviews. 

Okay, let me stop there before I point the light at something people weren't thinking of, and cause more trouble. I wish Mariah and Nick the best in whatever decision they make. 

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