Will Smith's Wife, Jada Pinkett Smith Cloaks 40

Will Smith's Wife, Jada Pinkett Smith cloaked 40 yesterday, Sept 18. People were expecting a big celebration since 40 is a big birthday year, but nothing was confirmed. She probably spent the time with her family. They have been married since 1997, and they they have two kids together; Willow and Jaden, who are also in the entertainment industry.

Speaking of Will and Jada, there has been a lot of rumour of them splitting. I don't think this could be so, since they have a open marriage...they can sleep with whoever they want as long the one doing the sleeping tells the other. Hmm! So, what more can a man ask for? lol! Although a lot of people would go against this and argue how wrong it is, but if you count the amount of divorce cases in the world right now, you might re-consider your opinion on the matter.

Me personally, i think it would be great if i can actually do that with my wife. I look around and see men cheating all the time...lying to their wives and all that. I am sure if they knew all they had to do was ask, and if they got permission, they could go about and do what they wanted, then divorce cases would reduce. And with time they wont feel the need to even sleep around after a while. Because if you really weigh it, you would know that man has the urge to cheat most times because he feels it is interesting, and he is bored with just his wife. Once in a while, people in relationships, or in matrimonial homes would see someone they fancy, and if the person fancies them too, what is wrong with a little nibbling of the cake, without going all the way with the baker? 

There is a part of my country Nigeria where a man gives out one of his wives to a guest who wants to spend the night in his house. Can you beat that?

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