Game Talks R.E.D Album and Dr Dre Feature

I am a big Game fan, but i have to confess that he has pushed this album back far too long. He is probably scared of what it is going to sell, but he has lost more fans in the process. I wish him all the best when he  eventually drops his R.E.D album. He came forward in a recent interview to say that Dr Dre would actually be rapping on a track off the album. That would be cool; even if it is just dre rapping the hook, it would still have people checking for it, because dre rarely does that.

Read what she had to say below-

Pot Of Gold"This album is the most incredible album of my career," said Game of his R.E.D. Album in an interview with MTV News "First, I'm back with Dr. Dre, which is a bonus and dope for me. Second, executive-produced by Pharrell, co-executive-produced by myself and Mars."

"And Dre's rapping on the album,"

I am okay with all the information from the album except the Pharell bit. His association with Pharell is  probably the reason why he hasn't dropped this album yet. Through-out 2009 and 2010, he dropped some pharell produced tracks that were lukewarm; the songs took him out of his element. Game needs to know that  he is not built for "soft", "love song", "over melodious" type of rap that pharell makes. Of course, The Neptunes have made banging/knocking beats in the past, but not really the right sequencing Game would flow well on. Jay-Z goes well with Pharell, but definitely not game. I think i liked the It Must Be Me [Explicit] track that Pharell produced for Game, but other than that, the rest have just been aiight...not hot.

Game needs Knocking beats, that's why he works well with Dre. That's also the same reason why he always makes bangers when he works with "Cool N Dre"; but pharell executive producing the album ain't a good decision. I think "Mars" is still in line with game's elements, but please, not pharell. He needs to do something about it fast.

The RED NATION track, which was meant to be the first single, had the video banned from B.E.T and M.T.V. I think they said it showed too much Gang Affiliation. Now, he recently shot the video for Pot Of Gold with Chris Brown. I like the song, and i think a lot of people would also love it. But, my concern is this; Can't Game make a hit song where it is just him? I have heard his previous albums, and there are always some pretty decent songs on there that nobody gets to hear. But, i guess he is not confident of himself. As Henry Ford said- "if you think you can't or you think you can, you are right either way".

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