Read what DMX had to say below-
“Rick Ross’ peoples wrote me a letter while I was in here,” he said. “Yeah like ‘Yo we got a home for you. We’ll pick you up in a limo. Just come to Miami. Just come, we got you.’”
Hmm! That is interesting...getting him in a Limo? That is to entice him...nice! But, i do know that Rick Ross got that money though. But the next thing that X said got me thinking why he would believe in all the bullshit stories flying around now. Read below-

I don't know what is going on; so every successful person is now an Illuminati member? Last year december, rick ross was given $100,000 to perform privately at a kids 10 year old party by his parents. They were Nigerians, and it happened when Ricky was in Nigeria to perform at a Hip Hop Award show. That was unexpected money, from following the universal laws. Give and ye shall receive. There are codes of success that if you follow, you would be successful. There are universal laws that have and will always be, and it would work for anyone. And one of them is- "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he". So, if rick ross and the others believe that, and they shoot for the stars, is it a bad thing? All the people talking about all this are the ones that believe they are victims...they don't know that every human being is a co-creator of his life. And that's the fact. It took me a while to really accept this, even though it is being said every now and then by people that don't even believe it. I am sure, you my reader, would have heard it before, but you might not pay attention to the gravity of it.
And lastly, he at least said he would still consider a collaboration with Ricky-
“Yeah. I have respect for him and he expressed interest that he wanted to work with me while I was out. So I definitely want do a song with him, but I don’t know about the record label thing. I would have to see what his camp is like and feel people out. I’m not the average artist.”
Okay, if he says he is not the average artist...if that is the excuse for not wanting to sign with Maybach Music, i can still buy that...not that Illuminati bullshit.
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