T.I amidst all the controversy surrounding him...going in and out of jail, just dropped a new album. I guess that is the reason it didn't do as good at his last three album- that is if you check out the first week sales. Regardless, the self-proclaimed King of The South had some words for his fans and well-wishers.

"What up world? First off I'd like to thank everybody again for going out and supporting the "Hustle" yet again with "No Mercy" last week. I can't say enough on how much I appreciate the support and all the positive feedback. I read so many tweets, letters, reviews and comments that spoke volumes to how much love was

still out there and how much respect still exists for my art and my passion. I put so much of myself into what I do. I even read over the negative comments cuz' that's the kind of energy I feed off of to adjust, evolve and improve my craft until it manifests into the closest thing to perfection on the next go-round. I love hearing your opinions on what songs you like most for the next singles. We are taking all of them into consideration as we decide right now on which direction to head in. I know this seems like an unfortunate set of circumstances to endure for a career with so much potential but remember adversity builds character and character takes you places money can't. I know what's in store for me in the future so I ain't trippin' and neither should you. For now all my love and best wishes to you and yours for the holidays. Y'all hold it down out there and I'll do the same in here. And continue to spread the word about "No Mercy" & Team T.I.." (Trap Muzik)

I guess he has a lot to thank God for; at least he is not dead, eventhough he is going through a lot. But, i really wished he would keep up the steam he was building up from when he dropped his first album.
This is the breakdown of the first week sales of his albums right fromw hen he dropped his first album in 2001:

I'm Serious (2001)- 163,000
Trap Muzik (2003)- 109,000
Urban Legend (2004)- 193,000
King (2006)- 522,000
T.I vs T.I.P (2007)- 468,000
![Paper Trail [Explicit]](http://ws.amazon.com/widgets/q?MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&ID=AsinImage&WS=1&Format=_SL160_&ASIN=B001GLJCI8&tag=rapandstyle-20)
Paper Trail (2008)- 568,000
No Mercy (2010)- 159,000
![No Mercy (Deluxe) [Explicit] [+Video] [+Digital Booklet]](http://ws.amazon.com/widgets/q?MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&ID=AsinImage&WS=1&Format=_SL160_&ASIN=B004EBM4CI&tag=rapandstyle-20)
You see what i am talking about? If he had not gone to jail in 2009, he might have dropped another album then, and kept the steam going, but see how he dropped. But, i know he wasn't able to do the right promotion for this album. I wish him all the best.
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