Big Boi (Outkast) Speaks On Not Voting For Obama

In a recent interview, Big Boi, One half of Outkast spoke on not voting for Barack Obama in his re-election last year. One would think as a black man in America, he would be 100% behind Obama, but he definitely has his own beliefs and is not swayed by the crowd’s judgements.

Read what he had to say about this below-

“Well, I was, you know, leaving to go out of town, and it was a lady- a Caucasian lady- and she was like ‘oh yeah, congratulations on y’all win last night,’ You know, with like an attitude. And, you know, just to let her know I was on my P’s and Q’s I was like, ‘I voted for Gary Johnson.’ And she looked shocked to even know I knew there were other candidates on the ballot, you know what I'm saying? So, you can’t judge a book by its cover.”

The white lady played him for the stereotype black man that just went out to support Barack Obama cos he is black. I am not saying Obama is a bad person, or that he is necessarily a good person in all standards. I'm just saying people can’t just vote for a president to rule a multi-racial nation cos he  is from their own race...if you want racism to stop, then don’t be a racist yourself. But, if people voted cos they understood the political side of things, and they felt Obama was their guy, then that's great.

Read more on Big Boi’s point of view on this-

“Yes, i’m a Libertarian. I’m liberty, justice for all, liberty for all. I’m really pro-people, pro freedom, and you know, this is all about positivity. Like, you know, he’s (Obama’s) a nice guy , but, it’s just, you know, the things that they are standing on right now just didn’t agree with me. Anything that benefits the public and not just big banking, that’s what i am with.” (Huffin Post Live)

I’m sure a lot of people don’t even know that they were 4 other presidential candidates asides from Obama and Romney at the last presidential elections in the U.S. Jill Stein of the Green Party: Rocky Anderson of the Justice Party: Virgil Goode of the Constitution Party, and Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party.

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