Carter 4 Sells A Million Copies in First Week

Congratulations to Lil Wayne, news just came in via hits daily double that Carter 4 sold 1,000,069 in its first week in stores. WOW! I think that is great. I actually thought the album would max out at 800k. He did 1,005,545 with Carter 3, and this is another "a millie" in one week.

But as I said in an earlier post, i hope he doesn't drop to like 300k next week like Carter 3 did. If he can do 500k  next week, and stay levelled at that range, then he is good. So, if you haven't gotten your copy, go out and get it. Or better still, just buy from the ad on this page. Once again- congratulations to Lil Wayne...and the entire cash money/young money family.

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