Miss Tila Says Jay-Z Is The King Of New York

The model turned singer, Miss Tila, who recently moved to New York last month, after spending 11 years in Hollywood says she thinks Jay-Z is the King Of New York.

Read what she said below-

"I have much respect for Nas, he's done a lot for the hip-hop community but I definitely, yeah, I don't think anybody can beat Jay-Z at this point," Tila told SOHH when asked who she views as the King of New York. "Jay-Z's definitely the King of New York. I've been his fan ever since he was just running around with Foxy Brown. I grew up in Houston, Texas [and] I just watched his career grow and grow and he's just a huge mogul. It's very inspiring so I thought, 'Hey, maybe I can move out to New York and follow in his footsteps.'" (SOHH)

I don't even know what the criteria for king of new york is anymore. At some point it was about respect, or your lyrical abilities, or your respect in the streets, or your popularity. Everybody from 50 cent to P.Diddy have claimed to be the king at some point in time. But back in the mid 90s, it was between Biggie and Nas; that is where their little war stemmed from. The reason i am reporting this story is because Miss Tila brought Nas's name into the story. I think nas and jay are two different people chasing two different goals. I respect the both artist, and i think they are successful at what they are trying to achieve. Jay-Z had one goal; to be the most powerful influential rapper; to use rap to get all the things he ever wanted...power, respect, fame. Jay-Z has gotten all that and much more, so, i say he is successful. Nas on the other hand, wanted to be the best rapper, period. I can say he has also achieved his goal. I can remember watching a youtube video where Busta Rhymes brought out nas at a concert of his 2 years ago, and proclaimed nas the the best rapper ever; now, that is a bold statement for another rapper to make.

So, do i think Jay-Z is the King of New York? If it is in the context of fame, and power and control, and influence in new york; i say yes- jay is the king of new york. I think, judging from what Miss Tila said about coming to new york to learn how to be more successful by following jay's foot-steps, then i guess the criteria i sited is what she had in mind when she crowned jay-z the king of new york, and not lyrical ability.

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