Game Already Working On His 5th Album

Game's 4th album, The R.E.D Album hit stores today (Aug 23rd), and he is already in the studio working on his 5th album. His producer, Mars says they recorded two songs already, and that Game isn't going to be name-dropping on this project. I can't even think of Game rapping without name-dropping, I see that as his signature, but if he can do that, the better.

Read what Game said about the 5th album below-

"@MYGUYMARS N W @THEGAME ON ALBUM #5 & RedAlbum aint even n stores yet @1500orNOTHING @Rance1500 @BRODYTHEGREAT @Myguymars #LASTALBUM," he tweeted last week. (Game's Twitter)

And below is what Mars had to say-

"Me and Game was in the studio yesterday," Mars revealed. "We did two songs. That's coming along crazy. We're going to have no features: It's just him rapping. No name dropping, no little things people say is cliché about Game. It's just putting on the boxing gloves and going for what we know." (MTV)

I am just thinking back when 50 was the shit, and people kept saying Game would never make it without 50; i have been on twitter all day, and i have not seen any album being discussed like the way The Red album is being talked about... Game has the internet in a frenzy right now. And i wish him all the best with recording his 5th album. I earlier predicted The R.E.D Album would sell between 180-250k in its first but i think it could do higher than that, looking at how guys are reacting to it.

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