More News on Jarule's Pain is Love 2

Jarule was originally meant to drop his new album, Pain is Love 2 on June 7th, before going on to save his time in Jail, but there has been a slight delay. Read about it below-

Ja Rule originally intended to release his new album Pain is Love 2 on June 7th, the day before he enters prison to begin serving a two-year bid for weapons possession. But in the weeks leading up to the album’s release, Ja realized that they wouldn’t be making their deadline.

According to producer 7 Aurelius, Ja wanted to focus on making better records and exceeded the amount of time for distribution shingle Fontana to match the date.

“The plan changed mostly because of the level and quality of the records we were making,” 7 told MIO. “We have exhausted every possible way to have it available on iTunes for pre-order on the 7th. The main issue is that Fontana needs the album turned in before they will release a date, or even start their process which is normally sixty days for digital and hard copy.”

7 explained that the recording process has been lengthy in an attempt to create a cohesive record. “Me and Rule have to capture all the magic around us until he goes in, otherwise we are doing an injustice to his fans,” he continued, calling the LP his “most provocative and his most personal album to date.” “If we had stopped in April just to be able to turn it in to Fontana for a June 7 date, PIL2 would not be what it is now. They have acknowledged that because it’s Ja Rule, they will give it a fast track release once it is turned in and that would be digital and hard copy."

After Ja enters prison, his Hype Williams-directed video for single “Real Life Fantasy.” Additionally, fans will be given a PIL2 DVD touting music videos with the purchase of the album.

“You can’t rush art,” added 7. “Be patient and stay positive. We will not disappoint.

I think that is very true- you can't rush creativity. I am happy that he is excited about the album, and i am happy he can actually complete a full length album when he is about to go off to jail. I think i can respect him for that. I think the last real Jarule song i heard was the "Body" song, and i really liked it, so, if this anything like that in production, i would like the album.

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