When he was on Geffen, he delivered on time, but now that he is back on Aftermath, he has been pushing his album back since 2009. It is more like he has little or no control over when his album drops. And, come to think about it, his boss, Dr Dre has been finding it hard to get out His album for like a decade now, so why would Game's issue be any different?
But, seriously, i think game is losing his fans, and he has to do something about it before he has no more fans left. The Documentary (2005) sold 2.4 million copies in the U.S, Doctor's Advocate (2006) sold 1.1 million copies in the U.S, and L.A.X (2008) sold 800k. His last album was 3 years ago, and there have been a lot of newcomers since then, and the rap game has changed. I think Game needs to just drop this his R.E.D album regardless of whether it would sell or now at first, then he should start working on the singles and working on getting the love of the people again.
He has been trying for the best part of the last 3 years to get a banging single- he tried it with "Shake" in 2010, and recently, Red Nation; the two came with videos, but game still doesn't have that BUZZ that would guarantee a smash album. And Jimmy Iovine just keeps pushing his album release back. And to add that the video for his Red Nation song was banned from MTV and B.E.T. That is not good looking, because his video has to be on heavy rotation on those TV station to gain popularity.
I really feel for him right now, because i am a big fan of his music, and i feel he has huge potentials, but he is not in a good position right now. He has dropped several mixtapes in the last 2 years- Red Room, Brake-Lights, and Purp & Patron. They were all dope, and i bumped then on my phone, but he needs to drop a studio album. Most of the hottest in the game list by hip hop magazines and websites have not been having his name on them; i think he needs to do something fast.
But, when i say he has to do something fast, i don't mean desperate moves. I heard he is working on a track with Odd Feature's Tyler the Creator. I think that dude is all about getting attention, with all his "i don't give a fuck" atheists controversial looking music videos. Game, please don't get so desperate that you have to just jump on anybody's track, or make tracks with the next hottest artists.
One more thing, i just hope he has cut-off his alignment with Pharell. I don't have anything against pharell, but the two do not go well together. Pharell can't produce the type of knocking beats that game's lyrics go well with. The people that understand and work best with Game apart from Dr Dre are the duo beat makers, Cool N Dre; they are always making banging tracks together. They made the "Hate or Love it" beat and couple of other banging beats for Game.
This is the 2nd quarter of 2011, and Game still hasn't said anything about a concrete release date for his R.E.D album, so i am asking- did Game end his career by going back to aftermath? Surely, he would dropped his album if he was still under Geffen records. And to make matters worse for Game, his Manager, Jimmy "Henchmen" Rosemond is wanted by the FBI, and is M.I.A right now.
i think Game's R.E.D album is gonna be huge! the reason Drs advocate and LAX wernt as big was cos it didnt have Dr. Dres name on them.