Snoop Says Dr Dre Needs to Surround Himself with the Right People to Complete Detox

Snoop Dogg, long time friend and associate of Dr Dre says he feels Dr Dre is surrounding himself with the wrong set of people, which is the reason why his highly anticipated album, Detox still hasn't seen the light of day. You know what? I am getting really tired of hearing about this album (detox); i have been waiting on it since my second year in college, and that was in 2004. That was 7 years ago, and this man can't still get himself together to put the album out.

Don't get me wrong, i am a Dr Dre fan, and i love his music and production, but i am also an artists, i write novels, and if i had waited for when i felt was perfect, i would never have written all the story ideas that come to me regularly. So, relating this to dre, i am sure he has a concept for the album, and how to go about it, but he must be scared of the new market or something, cos i don't know why he can't just GET IT OUT ALREADY!

Read what snoop had to say below-

During an interview with Tim Westwood, rapper Snoop Dogg gave some interesting insight on why he believes there’s been such a delay in releasing Dr. Dre’s Detox album. Snoop explained that the main problem is the type of environment Dre’s creating his music in.

“It’s a formula. Like I was trying to explain to you earlier when we made records in the past it was an environment, an atmosphere. It was always girls,” Snoop explained. “It was always parties. It was always the right atmosphere to create that kind of album that sounds like the albums that you’ve heard in the past. If there’s not that atmosphere you can’t create that kind of album. So that’s what’s happening right now. The songs don’t match the atmosphere and the atmosphere don’t match the songs.”

Snoop went on to explain that due to his perfectionist side Dr. Dre is unlikely to release anything until he feels that it’s close to perfect.

“What we’re accustomed to hearing from Dr. Dre is the brand new, next best everything and from right now people not getting that. He knows that,” said Snoop. “So he’s a perfectionist and until he gets that he’s not gonna release it cause he doesn’t want the scrutiny of people saying ‘I waited this long for that?’ It’s like when I wait this long I better get that and that.”

Snoop also shed some light on the fact that Dr. Dre may not be surrounding himself with the right people when it comes to making his album. He also shared that he feels like he and D.O.C. need to be a part of Detox in order for it to work.

“I’mma say this and I don’t know if it’s gonna ruffle any feathers. I just think the wrong people is in the environment. When he made records that were hit records in the past: D.O.C., Snoop Dogg, RBX, Kurupt,” said the rapper. “It’s like it’s pieces that’s not there that need to be there. And I’ll say D.O.C. and Snoop Dogg is the backbone. When you take those two equations and you take them out of the equation it’s not gonna work. You need to put them two back into the situation and let us mastermind and head the project like we did The Chronic in 2001. That’s what’s missing.”

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