Nicki Minaj Comments on Queen of Hip Hop Title

Rolling stone magazine recently crowned Nicki Minaj as the Queen of Hip Hop. Well, i think presently, she is the queen. Nobody was occupying the thrown, so she came and sat in it. I am not saying she is the best female rapper out, just like the prettiest girls don't win the pageants, but she is the one the most in the media eye, and she hasn't been doing a bad job with her songs and featuring, so what other criteria is needed in crowning her?

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Earlier this year, Rolling Stone magazine dubbed Young Money starlet Nicki Minaj the New Queen of Hip Hop. Now, in an interview with Funkmaster Flex for MTV2's Funk Flex Full Throttle, Minaj reacts to her latest honor from the music magazine.

Nicki said that she was extremely excited to have been given such a major title by such a respected media outlet. Despite this, she said that won't let the accolades go to her head, and that she's just honored to see that people respect her hardwork.

“It was very, very amazing to me,” said Nicki. “I was so excited ’cause [Rolling Stone is] really respected, and then when I went on all the TV shows, they kept on saying, ‘She’s been dubbed the New Queen of Hip-Hop by Rolling Stone magazine,’ so I was like, that happened at the perfect time.”

She added, “I’m honored because I obviously have been working hard to get to this place. Whether or not I’m the queen of anything, everybody’s gonna have their own opinion and I don’t do this thinking I’m the queen of this, I’m the queen of that. I just feel like I’m working hard and I just want people to recognize that.”

I think she also has a formidable team behind her, Cash-Money/Young-Money, so she would definitely be around longer than people think. She is not going anywhere soon, so get used to seeing her. Although i must say that, judging from some of her recent comments and lyrics, the fame seem to be getting to her, but i guess that is what happens to people that raise up fast. With time, she would get acclimatized, and just face making good music.

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