Jae Millz Talks About his Journey So Far

Jae Millz recently told on-air personality, Tim Westwood about his journey so far through the music industry and how thankful he is for where he ended up after so many disappointments. He says it was like a blessing that he finally landed the Young Money deal.

When i think Jae Millz, i think a master of free-styling, and a lyrical menace. I remember, like some 5 years ago or so, i saw this DVD, where he was outside a club with Diddy free-styling/battling a couple of dudes, and i couldn't comprehend how he made up lines so fast in his head, and they all made sense...they all connected with what he was trying to say/do, which was to say disrespectful things about the person in front of him.

Read the main story below-

New York City native Jae Millz has been waiting years to release his debut album, but his drive is stronger than ever. The Young Money Records rapper explained that after having two seizures in his sleep last year, he was inspired to name his album Nothing is Promised after what he gleaned from his experiences.

“The title come from [me] having two seizures in the previous year,” he told BBC Radio 1’s Tim Westwood. “I had them in my sleep. It’s like you wake up and you don’t know what happened. I had them from stress or low blood sugar and pressure.”

Though his intended major label debut Back to the Future got scrapped, Millz feels like he’s starting to see the bigger picture. “From that, I just figure that it’s bigger than the whole Back to the Future concept and battles and music,” he continued. “Nothing is promised. I feel like I might possibly have another seizure and I might not make it through, knock on wood. So I’ma get everything out on this album, Nothing is Promised.”

His pending release comes after several failed major label deals, which he claims was a blessing in disguise. “I had Back to the Future. I had the ‘No, No, No’ and ‘My Swag,’ ” he said. “I just felt like from Warner Bros. to the SRC deal and the whole Universal deal, Back to the Future, you’re trying it with three different labels and it don’t work. Try something else. That’s a sign from God." (hiphopdx.com)

I think it is a bold move that he could put his ish out there...i mean, tell the world about his seizures; a lot of people would be too ashamed to talk of stuff like that. 

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