A couple of weeks ago, THE GAME posted a picture of he, SNOOP, and DR DRE, in the studio working on dre's upcoming album, DETOX, before then, game had been silent for a while. He was on a EUROPEAN tour the most of the summer, during which he also had verbal battle with JAY-Z, but he just went silent after a while. I am happy to be hearing some good news concerning his fourth album, THE RED ALBUM.
GAME said via TWITTER:
"R.E.D album soon, wrapping this mothafucker up in 30 days! JIMMY IOVINE told me to tell ya when this shit drop, merry xmas! BWS/AFTERMATH, and shout out to my new labelmate, DIDDY. Welcome to the ice house homie. Good looking for your contribution on R.E.D. Anybody know a street nigga from L.A that can just rap like a mothafucka??? I'm signing me a nigga today, where you at??? Holla RT!!!"
Now, if game says 30 days, believe it is gonna be 30 days. That nigga is one hardworking son of a bitch when it comes to something he puts his mind at. I can't wait to hear the end result, and i wonder where 50 CENT stands with the new relationship game has with dre. Because i can remember when 50 was the shit, and he said he would not have anything to do with dre if dre ever worked with game. I can't believe game pulled through all those tough times when he was abandoned. I guess that's just proof of how determined he is to make it in the rap game.
Duo producer, COOL N DRE, have been producing for game since his first album, and they had this to say about working with game on his latest project:
"It's a fucking great experience working with 'the game'. To know you have someone that you consider family and the music you guys make goes every time. Every time, it's just a great chemistry. Like 'hate it or love it', it went huge, our first 'number one' record of our career. 'My life' top 10. 'Big dreams', a record that didn't get no push, fucking charted. He's dope, the new album is so retarded. We did some shit, we are going up there this week. We did a couple new records. We are trying to completely produce the whole thing. But you know it's tough, people will step up there and level shit for game. So you know, it's dope because it forces us to step it up...it's dope because he goes in there and writes a fucking classic record. You know what makes game dope? He respects the art form, he loves HIP-HOP so much, like he respects classic records."
I always believe, when you want to know how good a rapper really is, listen to producers they work with. The producers work with them from the creative part of the song, when the song is just an idea, till when it is complete. So the producers know how creative rappers are, and how dope they are. Unless the producer is just another ass kisser, he should be able to give the best judgment on how good a rapper is.
Hearing this from cool n dre just makes me hunger more for the album. I guess he would release the project around winter, around December. I hope NAS would be done with his album too around then and drop it around the same time. They have been doing that for the last 2 albums now. 'doctor's advocate' and 'hip hop is dead' dropped a couple months apart in 2006, and so as 'l.a.x' and 'untitled'. And they featured themselves on the two of their projects. I hope this friendship continues and they do more works together, on their upcoming albums. Two very dope rappers.
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